Here's my review -

The producers of "Trollhunter" decided to cash in on the whole "found footage" thing that has been a hit in recent years, and made a movie about these college kids who follow around a hunter who hunts trolls for a living. B-rated? You bet it is. The film tries to play of like it's real, and like you the viewer are watching someone's home videos of this dude hunting giant trolls in the woods. And that's pretty much it.

The film is a foreign film, it's from Norway, but there are options on the language section on the blu-ray to where you can listen to the English dubbed version of the film if you don't speak Norwegian or if you're not interested in reading English subtitles. There is also an option where you can set the film up to whenever the film shows Norwegian text on the screen, it will show translated English text.

In all honesty, the film sounded entertaining enough for me to rent, and this movie just stunk. I was so bored, I couldn't finish it. Again, it's like watching strangers home videos for the most part, and it's just boring. I didn't find any of the characters interesting. And then when we see the dude hunting the troll, it's only slightly entertaining the first time. After that, I was ready to stop the film. I think this film would have worked MUCH better as a short film that lasts only thirty minutes, but it doesn't. It's 90 minutes, and for a movie about trolls, that is way too long. This film is VERY slow for the most part, and then when the action picks up, it just shows us the same old boring thing every time of the guy killing trolls.

I just can't get into the whole troll thing. I don't take trolls seriously. I'm open-minded to the fact that maybe God, aliens, ghosts, and demons might exist. Heck, even Bigfoot might exist, but TROLLS!? REALLY?? Seriously?

I just consider trolls to be a childish thing. i.e. A childish form of entertainment, and I think only maybe kids would be entertained by this movie. Like *maybe* boys between the ages of 10-14 would be ideal. I can't recall the film having a lot of bad language, or much gore. But it's not a serious adult horror all. It's just stupid and cheesy and I've seen too many good and scary found footage films to take a movie about freaking trolls seriously.

On a personal note - The film is not only unrealistic because of the troll concept, but it's also HIGHLY unrealistic because even if this film was real, Norwegians would NEVER hunt trolls. Norway is a very liberal country and they would consider trollhunting to be cruel and unusual punishment, and the Norwegian government would say that everyone deserves a second chance, even trolls, and they would just capture trolls and bring them to their cushy prison they have by the beach for rehabilitation.


All I Took from that was that you found a film about Troll hunting too unrealistic. Er.........


He said he believes in gods, aliens, a bunch other stupid *beep* and then I realized he can't watch this film without believing that trolls are real.

This idiot, while clearly superstitious and not very smart, has no imagination and shouldn't be watching movies.

Or he's just a stupid troll.


He hunts trolls in a similar ways as governments hunt other animals, like bears. To control population and take out ones that are killing and harming people. They talk a lot about trolls leaving their territory.


My take is that OP has an incurable condition -- no sense of humor.
I found the film to be a delightful and clever spoof.


So it was suppose to be a Comedy?


Yes, it's a comedy. Three of the characters are played by famous (in Norway) comedians: Hans (the trollhunter), the Polish bear supplier, and the hydropower engineer (who found it a bit strange that his power lines didn't go anywhere, just forming a circle).

The film makes fun of Norwegian (Scandinavian) folklore and fairytales, and Norwegian social and cultural issues. If you aren't familiar with them, I guess it can be a bit hard to notice the humour.


I find it interesting that you're trying to make a "review" of a movie that you had decided you disliked before you started watching it.
How is any review of yours useful to anyone who want to watch this movie?

I mean, either they are interested it watching a movie about trolls, in which case your review is meaningless for them. Or they are not interested in watching a movie about trolls, in which case they wouldn't watch it anyway.

What you're basically saying is "I didn't like the premises of this movie, and so I didn't like the movie".


After all the rave reviews, I was really looking forward to this movie. I finally caught on SHO HD and it left me feeling mehhhh. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't as original and mind bending as it was described. I also felt bad for the trolls!

I'm gonna attempt to rewatch it and see if maybe it was just a bad day, but I LOVE sci-fi/horror/fantasy and I just wasn't impressed. Great effects though.


Yeah, the OP is a fool. He must be a Christian, and a Jontar Troll kill him with his fly swater.

Great Sci Fi Flick, btw.


I'm an Agnostic-Atheist. Did you not read the part in my post where I said I was maybe open-minded to the fact that a God might exist? What does that suggest to you in regards of what I believe?


I would like to see you come up with a better film for the money they worked with!


While not the worst movie ever made, I agree that this wasn't very good.
After the killing of the first troll, the movie doesn't really have much more to offer.

Okay, the scene with the "fake" bear was pretty funny, but that's it then.

Somehow the excitement and thrills just wasn't there.
Some here claim this to be a comedy? While it had funny scenes it wasn't really a funny movie. Maybe it tried to be both scary and funny but didn't satisfy either camps?

All this being said, I'm not really a fan of the mockumentry genre either. This movie does the same things that annoy me in other movies. Like having the fanatic cameraman that always remember to get the good shots even in life threatening situations. And the obligatory scene where he is told to shut the camera off, but just pretends and points it at the ground! Gaaah!


I thought it was a great movie. I can understand how the humour might be lost on you though, as the northern European sense of humour can be very dry and doesn't seem to translate very well with many Americans.

That's not a criticism of Americans, by the way, just a cultural observation.


Yeah the fact this was supposed to be funny is news to me. I just found it incredibly stupid and couldn't get into the whole "troll" thing at all. I get what the OP means...hard to take seriously. I thought this was supposed to be a found footage/horror type thing using the myth of trolls.

But I've read multiple comments on here that it was SUPPOSED to be a comedy, so stupid it's funny. The fact that Hans was a comedian and all...I can see how if you know the comedian, and you see him in this film being so serious about stupid trolls, then that would be humorous. And puts the whole film in a different light: as an absurd satire and not just an unscary, boring found footage movie.

So yeah...this Nordic humor unfortunately just flew right over my American head. Kinda wish I'd known it was a comedy going in and not something actually taking itself seriously.


How can a person with a working brain believe in ghost, demons, or god and then draw the line at trolls? What's the difference? They are all just things people made up to keep children and the ignorant masses in line. America hasn't produced a truly good demon or ghost picture in years(I say this as a born and bred American) we keep embaracing ourselves with terrible films like the paranormal series or anyone if the terrible exorsism films that we are producing. The last truly amazing horror film to come out of the states IMO is House of The Devil wich was an indie.


IMDB could need some trollhunters.

"I'm givin you pearls here"
