MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > Europe vs America with Religion brainwas...

Europe vs America with Religion brainwash!

Most of Europe is like this WITHOUT RELIGION! It's so refreshing to actually not have to listen to raving lunatics regurgitating scripture. In one town in Germany they outright outlaw Christian church's and encourage heathen show of expression! In The Harz mountains real witches 'Hexen' dance naked to worship nature . The USA has many people that scare the hell out of me with their dangerous religious rhetoric.


It's called: Freedom of Religion...... Practice, or don't practice, the religion of your choice in the US of A.... (As long as it doesn't harm your neighbor...)

I encourage people to think for themselves and if that leads them to Christianity, great, if it leads them away from Christianity, fine, even talk of "no religion" is technically a religion.... Pagans are religious.... Athiesm is a religion....

It takes just as much faith to worship nature as it does to worship God. You have to believe that after death, the option you have chosen will come through and save your soul. Right?

Again, I completely agree that pushing beliefs on other people is annoying and definitely causes trouble in this world, but show me one person on this planet that doesn't believe one thing or another about the afterlife...... If you don't believe that there's something more, then why bother staying here to begin with?.....


It is the year 2005. The Decepticons have conquered the Autobots home planet of Cybertron.


Well religious belifs are essentially like dick. It nice have one and even show off with it but things turns worse when you try forcibly show it down some ones throat especially childrens.



I immediately knew you were full of sh*t when you so ignorantly stated "Atheism is a religion".


Well, lots of people erranously think Atheism is a religion. It's basically because they are unable to tell the difference between a religion and a belief.
But when this guy claimed that everybody, including atheists believe in souls and an afterlife, that clearly proves that he has no idea what atheism even is.


Well, lots of people erranously [spelled erroneously] think Atheism is a religion.
From the Oxford definition:
A pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance:
'consumerism is the new religion'

Atheism fits that definition very well. You're wrong.


What USA do you live in? If you aren't Christian you are mocked, ridiculed and treated like second class citizens. Even worse for the atheists.

We even have freaking In God We Trust on our money.

Every single politician we have always litters their speeches with god this, god that, god bless america.

You are a fool to think we have freedom here.

We even have cities in the US that forbid atheists from being elected politicians.


We even have cities in the US that forbid atheists from being elected politicians.

Then what about pastafarians?

I wonder if trolls can smell the believers of The Flying Spaghetti Monster?!

For the heart life is simple, it beats as long as it can.


Not a Christian. I am agnostic. However, you are way off base if you think their are any cities in the us that forbid atheists from being elected. Name them. Also, the united states is now far more mocking of Christians than they are of any other belief system. You are much more likely to have your beliefs protected if you are an atheist than if you are a Christian. Just a sign of the times.

You really need to get out more. The usa is not the Christian nation some with agendas, both sides, want to claim it is. But if pushing an agenda is all you wish to do, keep on keeping on.


You are much more likely to have your beliefs protected if you are an atheist than if you are a Christian.
This is flat out bs. Been listening to right wing radio, have you?


Re: Europe vs America with Religion brainwash! by rockstar-40 » Sun Sep 22 2013 13:13:55 IMDb member since April 2007
What USA do you live in? If you aren't Christian you are mocked, ridiculed and treated like second class citizens. Even worse for the atheists.

We even have freaking In God We Trust on our money.

Every single politician we have always litters their speeches with god this, god that, god bless america.

You are a fool to think we have freedom here.

We even have cities in the US that forbid atheists from being elected politicians.

Jesus, where the hell do you live?
Never heard of Fox's War on Christmas?
I assure you people in California can be Christian or atheists if they choose. Last time my car broke down. the tow driver was a pagan. Talked about his latest tattoo devoted to Odin & making his own mead.
I wear an Eye of Horus, a pentagram & Mjolnir with no problem. The pentagram I've worn since the 80's. The Eye of Horus for about a decade & Mjolnir for 3 yrs. While I was brought up Christian, I'm pretty much agnostic & the charms are all protective symbols I wear for luck

This isn't Wall Street-this is Hell. We have a little something called integrity-Crowley


"Freedom of Religion" in America? The country that has "IN GOD WE TRUST" as its official motto, a religious slogan even printed on its friggin' money! :P


Re: Europe vs America with Religion brainwash! by Nerd_in_Norway » Sun Dec 1 2013 09:17:12 IMDb member since September 2012
"Freedom of Religion" in America? The country that has "IN GOD WE TRUST" as its official motto, a religious slogan even printed on its friggin' money! :P

The final form of the motto and its placement upon currency were forged entirely within this crucible of national turmoil (lasting from 1861 to 1865). The Reverend M. R. Watkinson, in a letter dated November 13, 1861, petitioned the Treasury Department to add a statement recognising "Almighty God in some form in our coins." At least part of the motivation was to declare that God was on the Union side of the Civil War.
So it was basically to say "Our side has God" during a war & not something that's always been in place.
In 1956, the nation was at a particularly tense time in the Cold War, and the United States wanted to distinguish itself from the Soviet Union, which promoted state atheism. As a result, the 84th Congress passed a joint resolution "declaring IN GOD WE TRUST the national motto of the United States." The law was signed by President Eisenhower on July 30, 1956, and the motto was progressively added to paper money over a period from 1957 to 1966. (Public Law 84-851) The United States Code at 36 U.S.C. § 302, now states: "'In God we trust' is the national motto."
Again, making it to paper money came from another "war", the one with the "godless commies".
Christians are noisy, but we have all sorts of religions here.
I find it funny we in America do well enough with multiculturalism, but Europe seems to be struggling with it in many places.

This isn't Wall Street-this is Hell. We have a little something called integrity-Crowley


Most of Europe is without religion? hahah that's why there is a church on every corner and more churches per capita than in the US, right?

Europe scares the hell out of me with all your witches and nature worship stuff, come back down to reality and join the rest of here on earth, ok?


Europe may (or may not) have more churches per capita than in the US, but if so, that's for historical reasons. Eurpeans are *far* less Christian than Americans, as a quick Google search will show. Why doesn't anyone look stuff up any more????


Atheism is NOT a religion!!! All religions are defined by the belief of something unproven, but believed, atheism is the lack of that unnecessarily trusting need. Just my opinion.


Correct, as an Atheist I don't believe in anything at all, as the truth does not require belief.


A lot of people who think that they are atheists are in fact agnostics.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


interesting response, could you elaborate further?


Agnostics don't know, or feel they can't know, if there's (a) god(s). Notable example: Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Heinlein.

Atheists think there is/are no god(s). Notable example: Richard Dawkins, Karl Marx.

There's also a third category, rarely mentioned which is deism. Deists think God created the world, and then left it to its own devices, and doesn't intervene. This is different to the previous two. Jefferson was a notable deist.

Interestingly lists of these three feature far more males than females! I should list some prominent female examples.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


That is interesting. I didn't know about the third category. Although i consider myself an atheist it is because i find it logically impossible to navigate the moral labyrinth imposed by religious beliefs as well as there being not a single shred of evidence let alone proof. I do however accept that i cannot prove my position, and indeed neither can the believers. I often use Occam's Razor to justify being an atheist.


The basic problem with atheism is its absolute position which is similar to belief. That's why I find agnosticism much more philosophically tenable, although I have approached quite close to atheism at times in my life.

The problem with agnosticism though is that it answers nothing, but it is a form of honesty.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


Re: Europe vs America with Religion brainwash! by nephihaha » Sat Nov 9 2013 02:45:45 IMDb member since November 2005
Post Edited: Mon Nov 11 2013 11:16:12
The basic problem with atheism is its absolute position which is similar to belief. That's why I find agnosticism much more philosophically tenable, although I have approached quite close to atheism at times in my life.

The problem with agnosticism though is that it answers nothing, but it is a form of honesty.

I find many atheists border on more obsessed than Jesus freaks.
I feel one really can't prove there is or isn't a god.

People seem to gravitate toward what makes them happy. People who feel used & abused seem to be into the fire & brimstone, etc. God will punish those who wrong them & similar ideas.

I like karma, that if I be nice to others, others will be nice to me since it doesn't hurt anyone & I don't have to get all caught up with vengeance or negative attitudes because anyone who wrongs me will get theirs somewhere down the road.

There's already so much else to worry about in life

This isn't Wall Street-this is Hell. We have a little something called integrity-Crowley


That would depend on the definition of atheism and agnosticism.
And not everybody agrees on those definitions.

One definition of atheism is "not theism". Which means that everything that is not theism, would be atheism. That is, an atheist is someone who does not believe in god.
Another definition of atheism is the belief that theism is wrong. That is, an atheist is someone who believes god does not exist.


In one town in Germany they outright outlaw Christian church's and encourage heathen show of expression!

That sure seems like a form of brain-washing to me.

Need a new signature?
Why not Zoidberg? (\/)(°,,°)(\/)



Heathens aren't religious? Aye right.

Greed and sport are religions.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


In one town in Germany they outright outlaw Christian church's [churches]...
I'm not saying you're wrong, but I can't find this town with an easy Google search. Would you please point me to it?
