Minor plot wrinkle

The trollhunter and the documentary filmmakers continually doused themselves with very stinky troll stench, and never seemed to wash it off. But......

Nobody else seemed to notice or comment on their troll stench: at the restaurant, at the power control station, and when the camera replacement woman (the Muslim woman) got in the van with them. I was expecting at least someone to comment on their stinky odor, but nobody said a peep about it.


Good point, I noticed that too.


The entire film is a gigantic plot hole, so I don't think they took that too seriously. For example the power plant guy not knowing what he really doing is an even bigger plot hole. Still funny, and that was the point.

For the heart life is simple, it beats as long as it can.


Not sure about that, I've never been to Norway, but if government and public utility employess are the same there as they are here in the USA, a power plant employee not knowing what he's doing is perfectly plausible.


Minor plot wrinkle by ZolotoyRetriever ยป Thu Nov 7 2013 23:46:21
IMDb member since January 2013
The trollhunter and the documentary filmmakers continually doused themselves with very stinky troll stench, and never seemed to wash it off. But......

Nobody else seemed to notice or comment on their troll stench: at the restaurant, at the power control station, and when the camera replacement woman (the Muslim woman) got in the van with them. I was expecting at least someone to comment on their stinky odor, but nobody said a peep about it.

You need to have more fun in life.

I don't know. I know there have been some pretty rancid bus riders I've been around yet no one ever tells them. People tend to be more inhibited & keep their thoughts to themselves regarding strangers

This isn't Wall Street-this is Hell. We have a little something called integrity-Crowley


You need to have more fun in life.

Huh?? What's that got to do with my observation about nobody noticing overpowering troll stink?

I know there have been some pretty rancid bus riders I've been around yet no one ever tells them.

But on the bus, did they just stink, or were they doused with overpowering troll stench? If they'd been doused with troll stench like was depicted in the movie, somebody would have noticed and said something, or moved to another seat. But in the movie, zip. Nobody said or did a damn thing. It was hard not to notice this.


They didn't do it continously. It was only when Hans knew they were going up against trolls did they do it. They would have washed it off when they were done.
