MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > Lots of unanswered questions (spoilers)

Lots of unanswered questions (spoilers)

* Why exactly could trolls smell Christian blood? For a film that tried to have a scientific explanation for everything, this one was lacking.
* How did Hans come by the Christian man's blood?
* How long has TSS been active? It doesn't sound like a very ancient organisation, so before it was active, people must have known about trolls, and spread the word.
* Do trolls exist elsewhere in the World?
* Why are there no others like Hans? There must have been some other guys that were able/willing to hunt trolls.
* If trolls are mammals, what other mammals are they related to?
* How could no civilians have seen any trolls? Sure they were in remote places, and the trolls probably killed anyone that got too close, but there must have been a few that saw them without alerting them(e.g. maybe non-Christian campers or hikers?).

Apologies if any of these were answered in the film, but does anyone else have any answers/theories/other questions? And please keep any cute anti-Christian comments to yourselves.

I'm a Creationist. And an Evolutionist. Sue me.


Why exactly could trolls smell Christian blood? For a film that tried to have a scientific explanation for everything, this one was lacking.
This feature is part of the old norse fairytales and legends, and no other explanation exists.

How did Hans come by the Christian man's blood?
Good question. It is not answered, but a blood bank could have provided him with some. Statistically, blood from a number of donors would contain christian blood.

How long has TSS been active? It doesn't sound like a very ancient organisation, so before it was active, people must have known about trolls, and spread the word.
The electrical troll fences (power pylons) started to be built in the early 1900's, so at least they have been around since then.

Do trolls exist elsewhere in the World?
I don't know for sure, but at least in Middle-earth they exist. but they appears to be very different from the norse trolls.

Why are there no others like Hans? There must have been some other guys that were able/willing to hunt trolls.
I think it was part of the comical aspect of the film, TST appeared to be hilarious small and amateurishly run.

If trolls are mammals, what other mammals are they related to?
Not one single word about that in the legends.

How could no civilians have seen any trolls? Sure they were in remote places, and the trolls probably killed anyone that got too close, but there must have been a few that saw them without alerting them(e.g. maybe non-Christian campers or hikers?).
Good question again. Even if people did see the effect of trolls, and was led to believe that it was caused by something else, someone should have seen something

I'm a Creationist. And an Evolutionist. Sue me.
In Pasta We Trust.

For the heart life is simple, it beats as long as it can.


well this is a crappy child movie, so no need to look for detail failures in the script. This movie just sucks if u are older than 5 and yes im a Scandinavian too.


Each to their own dude, but you gave "Mud", "Captain Phillips" and "Captain America: TWS" all a 6, but "Man of Steel" gets a 9?!?! Not to mention giving "Family Guy" with its infantile humour a 10?!?!

I am tired. I am...............DEAF!


haha Family guy is a masterpiece in comedy...and its not infantile, its more adult than u ever will be and i bet ur a Norweigan too that feel the need to defend this kinda crapfest of a movie...that only Norweigans can make. And yes, i think Man of Steel is better than all of those mediocre films u mention, but then again...i never ever compare movie genres with each other. Man of steel is a superhero movie, so i only compare it with other superhero movies. Mud is a better film than man of steel if i would compare it with a drama, so *beep* off and go suck a mountain troll if u like em so much, when u dont know my rating system.


Actually i'm not Norwegian, I'm a Kenyan born Indian that now holds British citizenship.

so *beep* off and go suck a mountain troll if u like em so much

That is definately not infantile and more adult than I will ever be.

I am tired. I am...............DEAF!


"How could no civilians have seen any trolls? Sure they were in remote places, and the trolls probably killed anyone that got too close, but there must have been a few that saw them without alerting them(e.g. maybe non-Christian campers or hikers?). "

Even if they had who would believe them? The TSS would either silence them or the person would keep quiet because of what occur if they told. Hell they may even go to work for the TSS.
