MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > What about Jews or Scientologists?

What about Jews or Scientologists?

The worst part of this ridiculous movie was the whole "Christian" blood crap.
I mean saying Muslims don't count as believing in God was dumb and what about all the other religions? Like if you were Jewish? Would trolls be able to smell Jew blood? Or Hindu blood? I suppose there weren't many Jews in Scandinavia.

Otherwise it was just good escapism fun although there's alot better special effects elsewhere.


Only it is true . The good old fairytales said that trolls were real and that they could smell christian blood, and this is a mockumentary about the good old fairytales being true.
As for the jews, you're right, they were not allowed into Norway at all at the time the fairytales were written. And I guess Asbjørnsen og Moe didn't bother to discuss other religions at all in their fairytales, but rather sticking to the business of scaring the kids.


In Norwegian folklore trolls can smell the blood of christians. It's a folklore thing and is not to be taken so seriously.
(For your information trolls do not exist in real life...)



Were you paying attention?

The mythology says they can smell Christians, which we see in the film. But there's nothing in the film definite about other religions.

Even Hans says they'll have to wait and see whether trolls can smell Muslim blood


I'd say that they won't eat Jews. Because both Jews and trolls eat christian blood. Jews use christian blood to make their bread. It is well known.


They go straight to hell, the only religion that will get into church is .. the m+56§è oh no my internet bre---aking up .... :;ùµ$

may the farce be wif u


Actually the Muslim thing is never properly tested.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!
