MovieChat Forums > Secret in Their Eyes (2015) Discussion > Why does Hollywood push Black Man/White ...

Why does Hollywood push Black Man/White Woman agenda?

Is it because Black Women are not good enough? Almost all the book adaptations change black women to white if they're involved with black men or white guys to black when they interact with white women or set it up that way. It isn't even true to the books. And it doesn't work as well on screen. This is utter racism!


I think your post is racist, nothing in the movie was!


I rather talk about the film.

It's that man again!!


Get over race.

Chiwetel Ejiofor is one of the finest screen actors in the world at the moment, and speaking as a working-class white man, I found his character and performance very empathetic and affecting, irrespective of his different racial identity. Because as far as his unrequited relationship with Nicole Kidman's character, their racial difference was immatetial; what divided them was their very different social classes, and professional and educational backgrounds.


There is no agenda. People are people.

🐈 Rachel


Cultrual Marxism. Look it up. Theres your answer.


I have dated black, white, Asian, Hispanic and middle eastern women and probably some that I forgot. I highly recommend all of them!!


The reason is the liberal agenda to exterminate the white race. They know that by continually putting inter-racial couples in movies that it makes people more accepting of it and more likely to engage in it. Eventually white people will not exist as anytime you mix a white with another race the offspring are less than white. That is the plan and Hollywood is helping to see that it succeeds.
