MovieChat Forums > Top Gun: Maverick (2022) Discussion > Stop deleting your posts cowards.

Stop deleting your posts cowards.

I see users are now deleting their old posts where they made claims of failure - with such certainty - before the movie was even released.

Stop being cowards and own your mistakes. It's the only way we grow and get better in the future.


Hey, that's interesting if people are doing that.

Probably explains why people are jumping on my thread - which asks if people think Tom Cruise looks knackered now - and claiming some kind of unfathomable, bizarre victory because it's had good box office.

Maybe they've just nowhere else to go to get all excited about it...


Because you’re a fucking clown that this movie would sink his career.


Hey, it's the "fucking clown" here - I've asked you to explain where exactly I said the box office success/ failure of the film would "sink his career" on my thread.

Looking forward to seeing you explain that 😘


You said the movie would be terrible and sink his career. The movie has phenomenal ratings and dominated the box office. So you were wrong, move on


Credit to you Davros for keeping the thread.

I'll admit that I wasn't very excited for Maverick from watching the trailer. But the film has obviously exceeded all our expectations.


πŸ‘ Yeah, cautiously optimistic given the good press.

Having said that, the cynic in me wonders how much of that may be down to jingoism in the current climate.

Anyway hopefully get to see it at some point this weekend, so fingers crossed it's as good as they say...


Somehow this made me think of a completely different thing that happened once. Some guy was really hyped about an upcoming movie and wanted everyone to see it and would angrily shoot down any negative criticism or speculation that it wasn't going to be that great. Then once the movie came out he was completely silent about it for a while. And finally he loudly moaned that the movie was a godawful disaster.


What movie was that?


Star Trek Nemesis


Screenshots are the best defense against that shit. Kind of a pain to get them on here, but doable .


[–] Burk48917 (7374) 9 hours ago
Screenshots are the best defense against that shit. Kind of a pain to get them on here, but doable .

I find that the blockquote works fairly well.

Even if you delete your post, mine still has the context for what I'm saying.


I still can't believe that apparently some ppl have deleted their own account and still post anonymously. This is such a weird site lol


I still can't believe that apparently some ppl have deleted their own account and still post anonymously. This is such a weird site lol

What's even weirder is that we're all already anonymous, and yet the people who delete their accounts and continue posting are even more anonymous. Anonymity within anonymity. It's like the Inception of anonymity.


I was gonna write something like that but gave up XD.

This one toxic asshole on here started cursing at me because I was too stupid to realize he was posting under a deleted account.

I'm just thinking, how the fuck would anyone know that?


I've been a member here for 2 or 3 years and only found out about deleted accounts maybe 2 months ago. Seen them before but always assumed it was a special type of, maybe premium, account named [deleted]. No one in their right mind expects an actual deleted account to still be active.


Wait, users that delete their account can still post under their deleted account? That answers so much.


If you're logged into Moviechat on more than one browser/device and delete your account using one browser/device, you will still be able to continue posting on the other browsers/devices provided that you don't log out, but your username will show up as [deleted] and you will no longer have access to your profile page or post history. It's not the same person as I thought for so long.


Thanks for clearing that up. I always wondered, "why the hell would someone reply to a post, then delete their account right away?" - because it was happening so often. In light of your information I have to believe it was just someone actively posting with a deleted account. So weird.
