Heavily flawed, but still a decent film

I enjoyed it and honestly didn't feel the 3 hours that bad, but it's hard to deny it would've worked better as mini series. Having so many stories and characters made it feel overstuffed and disjointed at times.


Inexplicably flawed. What the hell was that ending montage? Is that what's to come with the 2nd film or all 4? I don't need/want spoilers. I still enjoyed it for what it was, but what a disjointed mess. Did they watch the final product? Did they have an editor?


The end montage was tacky as hell. I think it's only the next movie though considering 3 is filming right now and 4 hasn't even started production. They should have saved the 2nd half of it for a mid/post credits scene.


Mid/post would have been a good idea. Maybe they didn't do it bc younger audiences are more trained to stick around or at least wonder enough to look up on their phones if this is a stinger & boomers are not.
