MovieChat Forums > The Sandman (2022) Discussion > First 6 episodes amazing- from episode 7...

First 6 episodes amazing- from episode 7 on total disapointment. Rose Walker ruined it

This is from perspective of someone that never read any Sandman comics and only judges by the show. I binged first 6 episodes with so much enjoyment. From episode 1 when Dream was caught on.. show was so beautiful, mysterious, gothic and atmospheric. Episode 4 with Hell was work of art. Gwen was amazing as Lucifer, that battle of minds she has with Dream was one of the best sequences I ever saw. Episode 6 with Death and immortal friend Hob meeting Dream every 100 years was so special and touching, seeing them develop friendship over centuries and seeing all the flashbacks of different times. And than something switched and from episode 7 show became all about boring Rose Walker and her annoying little superhero brother. Honestly I Couldn't've give less shit about those charters. I don't care she's a damn vortex she was a stupid character! they were so uninteresting! I wanted to see more about Endless siblings and their realms and those fascinating stories. When show became all about those siblings it lost all magic and became boring as hell! It literally felt like I am suddenly different teeny show. Total waste of otherwise amazing show.


I imagine they want to leave a little for the other seasons. So they only tease the siblings. Not sure why everyone is so intent on injecting young kids (the little brother) into storylines suddenly. (see Thor)


For me too, the pacing and story telling of this show was absolute perfection until episode 7 when the storyline became about Rose Walker and her search for her brother where I started to lose interest.

I didn’t love episode 5 where they were all in the 24/7 diner but it was equal parts fascinating and horrifying and the build-up and tension was nicely executed.

But yes, I too hope future seasons delve way more into the Endless siblings and their origins, back stories and clearly complex relationships.

Side note: I loved how this show was filmed entirely in the U.K. It's been a treat to see such gorgeous locations compared to the many shows of this ilk, most of which have been filmed in Canada.


everyone has to complain about wokeness and other diatribe to ignore a story... But I do agree, the amount of it was uncalled for, yet I was able to see past it. The story tells itself by the end, and I do want a season 2. it's left wide open for it...

Just enjoy a show and stop looking for things to bang on about, I say. In terms of the world as it is, this pales by comparison to it all..

And this too, is coming from someone who never read it, but is not so thin skinned that I dismiss a show based on kisses.

idk... maybe I'm wrong.


everyone has to complain about wokeness and other diatribe to ignore a story.

So basically, eat the Elite's crap that they feed us and stop complaining?

This is why society is crumbling right before our very eyes.

Evil's only desired companion for a gateway to success is apathy.


no one forces you to eat any ones crap. You do it by choice.

You do realise there is diversity in real life, right? holy buckets.

Stop whinging, it's a good show. Even if two girls kiss.


So because something in real life exist, we must be force-fed it in media?

So because dog rapists exist in real life, we must see it in media?

Because furry fetishists exist in real life, we must see it in media?

Because people like Hunter Biden engage in incest it must be normalized in media?


MMaya didn't complain about wokeness, though - even said how good the Death episode was. Death was also race-swapped (sorta...Endless don't really have a race), but MMaya liked that. OP also liked other "woke" elements like gender-swapped Lucifer.

The only complaint was against the block of wood they got to play Rose Walker, which in my opinion, is pretty fair. Kyo Ra could only deliver a decent performance if she were hired to play a Body Snatchers alien who took over a human and was pretending to be one of us.


Agreed on Rose. I found a lot of the series to be hit-or-miss, including casting, and Rose was an absolute drag. If she were given a choice: do a good performance for a million dollars or a bad performance for a lifetime supply of bubblegum, she'd be blowing bubbles.
