Spoiler question

The time line looks pretty clear that after the football game Ethan broke his ankle jumping out of a burning house. He is still in a cast when he tells his GF that he isn't going to Michigan State in 3 weeks, and she needs to leave. I'm confused because football season ends before December, plus he still has the whole summer to heal. Why is he still in a cast 3 weeks before college classes start? Side question, was it broke so badly that he could never play ball again? I thought I saw a slight limp when Ethan was older. Or was I imagining things?


It was a very severe injury that kept him from playing football.


So he dumped his perfect girlfriend. What a jerk. Didn't deserve a good dog or a girlfriend.


It's called DEPRESSION. He was mad at the world, mad at life. Severely depressed and wasn't in the mood for a girlfriend, and didn't want to drag her down into his world of despair.

He wasn't "being a jerk". The guy was in a very serious state of depression.
