MovieChat Forums > A Dog's Purpose (2017) Discussion > lol everyone rating this film a 1 need t...

lol everyone rating this film a 1 need to grow up

No dog was killed, if the footage was filmed in 2015 why did it take so long to be released because it was edited, if you wanna rate a film 1 star for hurting or killing animals rate the 1959 ben hur a 1 star it's well known that they killed lot's of horses, people really need to grow up


I agree. I'm a dog lover and this boycott is just silly. No animals were harmed in the making of this movie. I'm still going to see it this weekend with my family



I prefer mine to be alive...


oh yeah i dont mind a bit of steak


Yes, actually... I do eat dead animals: Beef, chicken, fish, turkey (which is what you are)!

Don't be a twit, Tommy. Nearly everyone eats animals.

By the way, I grew up with 6 dogs, a cat, 3 horses and 2 Love Birds. My Mother taught us all to feed and care for the animals before we sat down to our own dinner at night. That was strictly enforced AND it's in the Bible (but I'm going to bet you're not much for religion).

So be a judgemental twit. Just realize that you don't know me or anyone else on this board. Nearly all of us LOVE our animals. And if there were real, logical evidence that a major movie, with major stars did ANYTHING negative these days... The Hollywood vegans would be swarming upon them...


Nearly all of us LOVE our animals.

Nearly everyone eats animals.

God the hypocrisy. How can you be aware of the word "vegan", use it in your post, and not realize "hey, maybe *I* should go vegan!"

I don't know what the person you're replying to said, but it was probably along the lines of "why do people complain about a dog's treatment and then eat a burger with no problem", which is a valid statement. Dogs aren't more important, intelligent or sentient than cows.

Surely you're aware you don't HAVE to eat animals. It's your choice, so you choose to hurt animals when you could choose not to.

You can't "love" animals if you don't mind paying for their abuse and killing. You know how psycho that sounds? If you love animals, you go vegan. If you don't wanna go vegan, then stop saying you love animals. You only love a very limited number of animals, which you consider sentient and capable of love and emotions, but you decide to limit that compassion to only those few animals and ignore the rest because it suits you.

You displaying selective empathy isn't something to be making smug posts about.


He can love animals and eat.If you cant understand how,he is the real example.
Why are you Vegans so "bullyish" and sad. Dont you guys have anything going on in life other than waiting for someone do something to an animal so you can attck them?What a pathetic life are you living!


1-30-17 I agree with you. Saw the two videos showing dog hesitant to enter water. They explained what happened. The director and animal rights people who are there during the shooting of all movies with animals, birds would NOT let abuse happen. Saw movie today and it is WONDERFUL! I recommend it.


it's because of today's generation of little manchildren and brainwashed SJW


"Todays' generation"!?!?

You better check the preceeding generation who created those SJWs you're complaining about. And, how can possibly expect anyone to be a real man these days when nearly all of them have utter crap for role models.

Try thinking sometime. It does both you and the world good.


Nobody was boycotting Stagecoach when a horse fell and was trampled to death (1939)
Nobody was boycotting Andrei Rublev when they set a cow on fire while it was still alive. (1969)
Nobody was boycotting Heaven's Gate when they blew up a horse with TNT. (1980)
Nobody boycotted Milo & Otis after all the horrible abusive crap those animals suffered through (1984)
Everybody is boycotting A Dog's Purpose because a dog is dipped in water up to its waist for 2 seconds. (2016)

It's today's generation.


Precisely correct.

La religion est fausse, mais vous êtes réel.


It wasn't dipped but pushed in after it clearly didn't want to go in. The only reason it was its waist is because it was trying to climb out and hang on.


God I know right? Seriously anything being backed by Peta automatically tells you that it's a corrupt b******* cause


Peta is a bunch of whakco's


Shut ur face you whiney loser.


It's simply pathetic.

"A man chooses. A slave obeys."


I agree if you want to give this movie a 1 (without even seeing it) don't rate it.


The book was great. I can't wait to see the movie. I hope they did a good job.


I'm guessing none of you saw the video? I bet you all wouldn't mind being waterboarded either.


What video? I want the link please ..


I've thought about it. I'm going to boycott. Boycott PETA that is. They kill 95%+ of the animals they get and twist things and lie to try get their way. They disgusting.


Humans are omnivores. We evolved eating both meat and plants. Our teeth, digestive system, and metabolism attest to the fact that we are designed to eat meat. The world is full of animals that eat other animals. It is perfectly natural and normal.
