MovieChat Forums > A Dog's Purpose (2017) Discussion > Nobody went to see the movie

Nobody went to see the movie

Thats' aweosome


Actually the theater was sold out. PETA lied to smear this wonderful film. Go soak your head.


That sounds like fake news to me.


Only one theater was sold out and you are proud of that?


It was packed at the cinema I work at. PETA lied about the whole thing. Please do your research before believing an edited video.


the real video was released and showed the crew memebers trying to drown the dog to cover up for the torture. Also an eye witness is missing.


showed the crew memebers trying to drown the dog to cover up for the torture

So the dog wouldn't talk?



Dog had informationn Hillary..


I ate the dog's liver with fava beans and a nice chianti *gnash gnash gnash*


Talk about fake news...


showed the crew memebers trying to drown the dog

Please think about what you say. You've just defamed hard-working and decent film crew members. Imagine if someone in your family were, without any evidence, accused of something like that.

I know people in the film's crew. None of them are the evil dog-killers you accuse them of being.

Shame on you.


You don;t know anyone onthe crew. Reported for False statements


Reported for being an idiot.

In our one city in California, the early showing was sold out in EVERY SINGLE THEATER in town, and the late showing only had a few seats left. There were two PETA dimbulbs protesting in front of ONE theater in the whole city, so you idiots couldn't even raise enough interest among all your weak-willed and gullible members ... or maybe you just ran out of dog costumes. Is there a reason why none of you show your faces?


Actually, dude, I've been an extra in 20 movies, 3 TV series and a pilot shot in the Winnipeg area. Yes, I do know crew members.

I'm reporting YOU for false statements.


Sold out in San Diego. Actually had to go the next day because I couldn't get tickets on Friday.


Actually, it came in at #2 in the Weekend box office numbers with over $18 million... someone saw it.


you don't have a link. you making it up.


Idk how to make this a clickable link but here ya go:


Anti dog people forced to make up box office facts


I didn't see the movie and probably won't.

Stop being butt hurt because someone decided to prove your dumb ass wrong. You said no one went and saw the movie, but the box office numbers don't lie. Apparently a lot of people saw the movie. Facts are facts. Take your ass somewhere else.


I saw it. Plenty of people too. I couldn't keep a dry eye. A real tear jerker.


Great little film. I loved it. So did EVERYONE else.


Actually - the movie was awesome. You should watch it. :)


Made 18M in it's first weekend sure as sheit sounds like someone went to see the movie. I had not planned on going but because of the dooshes at PETA I am going next weekend!!!!


Don't want to start a war. I did not see this movie yet.

It just seem that IMDB is now over run with people with Low self-worth and low self-esteen. Some are probably unemployed too. They are trying to make up for it by rating good movie low. It makes them feel powerful.

I loved Ghostbusters 2016. The film has been out for what 6 months now. It's on dvd/bu-ray. There are still people on that forum posting everyday talking bad about the film.

I'm not better than anyone else here but at some point people need to get a life. It's only a movie. I'm just tired of IMDB being overrun by trolls. At least they started to take action.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion but some rate the movie even before it's out. I myself suffer from deprssion and anxiety. So i'm not better than anyone else.


Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but that doesn't mean everyone's opinion is right. PETA opinions are so irrational and extreme they must be dismissed as insane.
