MovieChat Forums > A Dog's Purpose (2017) Discussion > Guys only: who here loves both dogs AND ...

Guys only: who here loves both dogs AND cats?

Of course I love dogs! But I'm sick of all the cat hate in this world especially by guys who think having a dog makes you super macho.

My dad was very upset when we put our old cat down 2 years ago. And my grandpa was a big strong man but if there was a stray cat wandering around outside he would give it food and water. Once years ago a stray cat lived in the garage. I actually remember that. I don't remember what color it was but we named it Rusty and my grandpa gave him food and water. I was 3. I guess he eventually ran away or Grandpa took him to an animal shelter because if I recall, it was for a very short time.

Since we adopted 2 cats last year (brother and sister from the same litter) I am so happy. Every morning when I get up, the boy cat waits for me on the stairs and flops down on the floor begging me to rub his tummy and he purrs really loud. Moving into an apartment next Saturday and so they're staying with mom and dad. I wish I could take them!

But it really saddens me when I see dogs that have gotten malnourished or abused. I did have a dog up until 5 years ago when she got old and we had to put her to sleep. She lived next door to us for the first couple years of her life, and the old owners really did not treat her well. Thank god they ended up moving to a no-dogs allowed apartment so they asked us if we would adopt her.

If I ever end up getting another dog it will be a German Shepard or a Border collie (like my old one) but my new apartment only allows cats. I wish I could afford a cat to keep me company but it's about 40 extra dollars a month included in the rent, plus the cost of vaccinations, cat food, litter, etc. I am working overtime on Saturdays at my job thats 5 extra dollars an hour but I want a little extra cash in my pocket to cover my Wifi expense. lol



We have 7 cats 3 dogs I love all of them. They all need love in different ways and I have one very codependent dog.


I grew up with both dogs and cats living together. My mother has three dogs at the moment, and I still consider them my own still as well, as I still lived at home when she got them. She has a German shepherd and 2 half breed czechoslovakian/Saarloos wolfdogs.

Now I live alone in a smaller place, I have two cats, Willow and Simba. I adopted them from a woman I suspected just didn't want them anymore. Both very different from each other. Simba is largely an indoor cat but loves people, a tortoiseshell, willow is a grey and white, can't wait to go out but hides from people.

there are two types of pedestrians, the quick and the dead


(hands raised) I do! I do! I have many pictures downloaded in my library of both dogs and cats (AND mice and horses) and used to own cats and last was put down in 1990.

PROFILE PIC:Courtney Thorne-Smith.


I am a guy. I love dogs, but cats seem to be pointless. I recognize that there are people who like them, but I just can't see why.
