MovieChat Forums > Le petit prince (2016) Discussion > I can't believe it get such a high score

I can't believe it get such a high score

For the fans of the original novel, this animation kills the sincerity, fun and philosophy of the original work. It turns a touching, thoughtful story into a cheap industrialized fast-food animation, just what itself is trying to mock. I know I cannot expect an exact copy of the novel, and the story of the little girl was what attracted me into the cinema. Yet it was so poorly plotted that I was bored from the middle and totally shocked and disgusted by the final quarter of it.

The twist of the plot is so superficial, the characters setup so stereotypical and, worst of all, the "transformed" prince so deliberately oily, it ruins the little pleasure I got from the nice scenery design of the original story. The added sequel might want to show the irony of the strictly molded modern life and some sense of salvation, but its dry and senseless depiction without real wisdom is the big irony itself.

I was appalled by its IMDB ratings, and had to sign up to write this comment. Totally agree with some others that it's better to read the novel itself!


[Contains Spoilers]

The movie is not a remake of the story, but a tribute. The aviator is Antoine de Saint-Exupery and the movie shows (modernized) how the "little prince" book was created. I wrote that in more detail here:

Your description of the last part is quite fitting, but it's just the imagination of the girl and shows the world in that she lived until then (and the adults appear to her in exactly that way depictured).

I think the high rating is justified, but maybe I saw something in this movie that you didn't see with your eyes. I was expecting a hat, another remake of the story I love and know, but I was served a snake that contains more than meets the eye. And even if that was a surprise, I was happy with it.


My issues with the movie had everything to do with the framing story feeling trite and unsubtle. I thought the ridiculous life plan the mother laid out for her daughter was too on-the-nose and over the top to be compelling. I had trouble investing in the central relationship as well, it felt forced. I didn't mind the trip into her imagination, but nothing hung together for me in the end.
It's rightly said the actual story has been adapted many times, but the animation style for those sequences was gorgeous.


I seen the awesome looking trailer (the best trailer of 2015) but somehow the film lost my attention...i really wanted to love this was a ok movie.


as some guy once said, get your head out of your ass


Wasn't too bad - 7.5

"She let me go."
~White Oleander


9/10 in ya face.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


I'm really shocked too.

The social criticism and metaphors have very little to do with the actual themes of the original story or even the movie's own story. One second it is about big business, another it is about education, then it is about life, then death, and then... yeah... None of the movie really had much to say.

School is bad... great... please explain in a more complex way that doesn't just show all adults as being evil. The movie never has too much to say that is original or unique and completely misses the love of the original story and what made it interesting.

This movie should've stuck with the original premise of the book. The stop-motion segments of this movie were wonderful, but once they stopped halfway through I couldn't stay focused on the movie. It's like three different movies jammed together... and none of them fit.

The Little Prince story works on its own.

The Girl's story works to some degree, but is very obvious.

The Girl's imaginary story completely kills The Little Prince's story because it says that he grew-up, forgot his Rose, and became part of the business world. Basically, The Little Prince lost his way because of education...

*sigh* The more I think about this the more the second half really angers me.

Overall, 3/4 of this movie is mediocre or bad, but the other fourth of it is really good.


Yeah, I was extremely disappointed. It felt like how they pad out all the recent Dr. Seus movies to be feature length. At least those still stick somewhat to the story.
