MovieChat Forums > The Day (2012) Discussion > Changes that would have made the movie b...

Changes that would have made the movie better (major spoilers)

1. When the house was being attacked, after losing half of their men, why not burn it down? It's obvious that it was a huge fortress that was hard to break through. If they had burned it down but others got away and now the hunt was on, it would have made for a better movie.

2. Why have the main villain(father played by Michael Eklund) killed of so soon. It would have been better if there was a standoff between him and Ashley Bell and her picking a rifle up and pointing at him and him responding "you might have enough bullets there for me, but not for many more that will come", to which she responds "you're not worth the bullets" and steps on some trap that was created by his gang which impales him and she walks away.

3. The end showing more cannibals come and be on her trail. Indicating a sequel.


on (2) so the bad guys gang turn on him and set up a humerous boobytrap?


3 would be AWFUL! So glad they didn't do that.
I actually didn't have a problem with 1 or 2, it worked perfectly fine IMO. Though 1 could've been an interesting one to explore.

I would've liked to see more of Dominic Monaghan's character, personally. He was my favorite when he died :(
I also would've probably rather seen Adam live over Mary, but I liked her too. Shannon's death could've been improved a bit too; it was kinda weird

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


I would have rather seen Shannon bite it in the basement and keep Dominic on longer.


Saving the lead bad guy until the end so he can have the big fight to the death with the lead good guy is so LAME. It's way beyond cliche by now. It's so predictable that it really ruins many films in my opinion.


The villain was brilliant, I was just pissed he was killed off a bit too soon. A standoff would have made for a much better movie. Him dying last and brutally would have been great.


Abt (2): actually, I thought it was a different thing to do than the rest of the movies. It what you usually expect from a movie, that the main villain will die last. But this came as a surprise.
But I guess if they did wanna do this, then they should've focused on other cannibals from before as well.

Clark: 'Jonathan Kent; isn't it a little past ur bedtime?'


Change no. 2 would be too cliche IMO. Usually when the main villain somehow defies all odds of being killed off quickly and keeps reappearing with witty remarks and tough guy one-liners, it just makes me roll my eyes and hoping they will get over with it sooner.
I have a couple:
* When the 2 cannibals jumped through the window into the basement trap, the guys should not have gone berserk and shot half their ammunition at them, rather than using spears/axes. I mean come on, if you're low on ammo, you just can't do that *beep*
* The child actors... They were terrible.




Pratical effects instead of the cheesy and badly done CGI blood and gore. This was the thing that turned a great film into a average one. (also hated the Shannon character, but thats personal opinion)
