MovieChat Forums > The Day (2012) Discussion > why did she kill the (spoilers!)

why did she kill the (spoilers!)

sorry for being retarded but...
why did she kill the little girl at the very end?



Because 1. She is hardcore and 2. That little kid was softcore

Seriously though...that little girl was probably going to turn on her, who knows. She savagely slit the throat of that other woman just moments earlier.


The little girl tried to kill her, kinda. She drew her 'knife'. That's why she killed her.


& it was so counterintuitive for the girl to attack Mary, because now that she's alone her best chance of survival is connect with someone exactly like Mary. I think, without any proof, that Mary would have taken her on, too, if she hadn't pulled the shiv.

It demonstrates that cannibals rarely, rarely change, even when it's in their best interests to do so.


It is so wrong to paint cannibals all with the same brush.

Even when you are exactly right.


Mary would have taken her on. That's why she started to walk after initially stopping and staring at the girl.

As for why she killed her, the little girl started to pull the weapon she used to kill Shannon. Mary either noticed or got an instinct and ended things right there.


When we see the girl approach her, we see she does so with arms outstretched and hands open - indicating a "I come unarmed and in peace" stance. Soon after oldsergal turns away and starts walking, the littlegal has that knifething in her hand, indicating a "I'ma gonna fku-up missie" stance. Thus beheading resulted. It could have been filmed differently and thus made clearer but atleast the signs were there, albeit v.small.


It could have been filmed differently and thus made clearer but atleast the signs were there, albeit v.small.

But there is a huge close up of the little girl's shive, how much clearer could they have made it?

If you ask me that was by far the coolest part of the movie. Mary overall was a great badass character. She's like a white Michonne.

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.


she is way better than michone. even with samurai sword michone still gets outbested.


Well I'm thinking more of the comic version, the TV version you are absolutely right about though.

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.


*spoiler* Yep ... it shows the li'l girl sliding her knife out to use on Mary ... but, Mary beats her to the punch, LoL!

I'm gonna hunt for U, I WILL find U, and I will KILL U! L.Neeson - TAKEN


She wanted the red scarf because it was pretty and her blood wouldn't stain it.


It was a ribbon, not a scarf, and I'd have to guess that it was her 12 year old sister's ribbon, hence why she wraps it around her leg as a sentiment.


Hmm i thought she took the ribbon to bind her wound ...


ending was excellent - imo it was to convey the fact that no one is "innocent" in this world, even if you're a little girl or whatnot. every person for him/her self



she had already killed the group who ate her sister they were her former clan members,the ones they were now facing had a different clan tattoo than hers.

you come at the king you best not miss.



because she felt guilty over having been a cannibal.

you come at the king you best not miss.



Watch the movie again. She says "I know what I am" and begs them to kill her.
That would indicate her feeling guilty over her actions.
And also her feeling guilty would cause her to want to protect her new friends as well as not wanting the cnnibals to eat anyone else.

you come at the king you best not miss.



she asks them
chop me up and leave me to rot.
put a bullet in my head I won't fight.honest.
and "I deserve to die"
and when she attacks the cannibals so Adam can escape out the back she tells him "I'm tired of waiting".
those sound like the words of a guilty soul to me.

you come at the king you best not miss.


it does closeup on the girls flint knife but the way I look at it, she was not drawing her weapon. she was holding it. and the close up was to indicate she was: one of them. The ex-canibal lady wanted them ALL dead.


I thought Mary killed the girl because she sensed that the girl was going to attack her. Also, why is everybody saying that Mary decapitated the girl? I didn't see the girl's head separate from her body during that scene. It looks to me that Mary simply slit her throat open.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


The girl's head separated from her body by a fairly easily discernible amount; not by feet, mind you, but by quite a few inches. You see it both when she hits the ground and the head immediately slides away from the body and in the scene when Mary walked off after wrapping the ribbon around her leg and the body is in the foreground.


I thought Mary killed the girl because she sensed that the girl was going to attack her. Also, why is everybody saying that Mary decapitated the girl? I didn't see the girl's head separate from her body during that scene. It looks to me that Mary simply slit her throat open.

The kid was gonna stab her just like she stabbed Shannon.

You must not be watching on HDTV. Mary decapitated that child. The head was a foot away from her body.

Some things you just can't ride around...


IMO, she knew the girl was gonna eventually try to kill her because she was raised to see humans as food, and I doubt Mary was into rehabing kids. "SLASH"!!!


Tyler-A-Arse you said it perfectly and it was an awesome ending to the movie. Honestly once again I will say it. I just don't understand how this didn't do reasonably well in theaters. The script is tight and it surprises you unless you are some moron that reads spoilers and watches all trailers before a movie comes out. I think companies that make movies need to show less at times. It seems they show all the good parts these days in the commercials and they tell too much of the story. The idea is to entice us to go see the movie and not to spoil it for us before seeing it.


That little girl was about to cut her throat. She knew what that little girl was capable of, and she didn't care that she was A kid. She made the statement that she killed her whole tribe when she was 12. She treated the kid as she would an adult!
