MovieChat Forums > The Day (2012) Discussion > Do I have this right? SPOILERS!!!!

Do I have this right? SPOILERS!!!!

So it turns out that in actual fact she was setting them up all along for herself? Since we dont see the main character walk off with her at the end i presume she killed him and gathered up the 'bean' cans to set up the next trap?

Im also guessing she was the one that planted the bean cans in the basement?

Sorry if these are obvious queations ita just i as really wiped out watching this!!!!


No. He got slashed during the fight and died. She was never setting them up, and walked away with a stupid amount of swag and no real supplies other than her weapons.


He got an axe to the belly in the preceding fight. They both knew he was dying so she sat with him till the end and comforted him. The camera was on her face as she was on the verge of tears when he took his last breath - which is quite audible. I found it a very moving scene.

I think the reason people believe she set them up is because one of the 'Eaters' presumed that and she didn't argue with him (plot device to keep the audience guessing) and because at the final battle she told the 'Eaters' leader that she had them and wanted them for herself.

The former is explained by the obvious - that is was a way for the audience to doubt her as well, making the subsequent capture and torture scene a tiny bit more palatable. Second most obvious answer to me is that it was more convenient to let him belive that.

Telling the 'Eaters' leader what she did would have sent an instant and simple message to the whole band - that the 'Meat' was trapped inside and no thought would have to go to checking the perimiters for escapees.

This makes it clear that she was not setting them up at all - she was willing to die to allow those two to escape - though admittedly she did think she'd have some ammo to take a few with her ...

Sorry for the lack of names and correct terms (and probably spelling and grammar problems) - it's late here. x]


The former is explained by the obvious - that is was a way for the audience to doubt her as well, making the subsequent capture and torture scene a tiny bit more palatable. Second most obvious answer to me is that it was more convenient to let him belive that.

It didn't really accomplish that goal when Mary sacrificed the advantage against Soul Patch to save Shannon worthless ass. If she was just greedy for that meat, she could have had Strangles finish Shannon off for her, and still be able to take down Patches and Strangles with little effort. I can see how Adam, Shannon, and Henson might question her loyalties, but how the audience can, that is an extreme stretch in my opinion.

Although I will admit that the thought of Mary leading them into a trap plot twist crossed my mind, but that had less to do with my doubt of the character sincerity, and more with a lack of faith in todays film writers, who would rather substitute coherent storytelling for illogical plot twist.


"They're not dead, they're just...different."


She wasn't setting them up. She actually wanted to keep them safe.

She knew from the start somethign was off about the farmhouse, and made that clear. She wanted to protect the group.

How dare you speak to the prince of evil that way, you SLUT?


'I'm going to kill them all' belies your POV, Tupac. She killed all of them, didn't she? She beheaded the little girl at the end.

She's taking revenge for her 12 year old sister. She will always kill them.

Some things you just can't ride around...
