MovieChat Forums > The Day (2012) Discussion > This is a remake of 7 samurai

This is a remake of 7 samurai





I really don't see it. Why don't you elaborate? I'd like to hear your logic on the correlation between this and 7 samurai before completely shooting you down, like others are so quick to do.



No, that was 'The Magnificent Seven' but this one does seem to have used elements from a number of other films.

'What is an Oprah?'-Teal'c.


Magnificent Seven was an remake of Seven Samurai. It is perhaps the most famous remake in film history.

And The Day clearly copies from Seven Samurai as well.


And The Day clearly copies from Seven Samurai as well.

It's got a group of people stranded in a house fending off a greater number of assailants. Greater numbers and fending them off are pretty much the only resemblances between the two films.



In which case it might as well be labeled a remake of 300 or The 13th Warrior.

Concepts do not a remake... make.


13th warrior is a rehash of 7 samurai. All they did was add a couple extras.


So clearly, it's a remake of "Zulu" :)


That's _exactly_ what he said though. To the letter.

-Nailed it.-


Maybe "The Road"?


No, This is a remake of "The Princess Diaries" except Mia has a hatchet now .......

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


"No, This is a remake of "The Princess Diaries" except Mia has a hatchet now ....... "

Hahaha that's a good one


After reading up about it, I figured it was just 'Tooth & Nail' with a slightly bigger budget :D


You all just got trolled very easily

222 Zombie Films From 2000-?


I wish people would stop using the term troll so broadly novadays.



When you come up with a better term for people that post something stupid just to get a reaction let me know, I don't care for the word either but it does fit the crime

620 Good Horror Films From 2000-2012


Obviously you either didn't get the story of "7 samurai" or have never seen it before.

"7 samurai" and "The Magnificent 7" were story of a group of people who never met each other, decided to work together to protect a village from being rob by muggers, during which, each character had to overcome their own obstacles. It's a story about justice, not survival.

Classics are names that everyone heard, yet most have never seen!!


It does take quite a bit from Samurai 7, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it a remake.

It is very similar to the original 13th Precinct. Police are trapped in a Police station while gang memebers lay seige to it. They let out one of the prisoners, also a gang memeber, who chooses to fight with the police and is the sole survivor.


When they started preparing the house for defence, I was like "Ha ha, somebody's clearly been inspired by Seven Samurai, 13th Precinct and The Road and decided to make an apocalyptic slasher based on that. And they seem to be doing quite a good job of it!" Anyone who doesn't immediately connect the dots between these four films needs to re-watch all of them within a period not exceeding 2 weeks.

I enjoyed this and would even watch it again after a while. The only 3 things that ruined it just a little bit for me were 1) Their irrational hatred towards Mary 2) The too-obviously-CGI flames from the house, and 3) The completely unnecessary slasher-horror scene with the little girl chasing Shannon in the forest.

Those, and the other emotional/irrational responses, decisions and attitudes from the main characters which you wouldn't expect from people who have managed to survive in a world like that for 10 years. And the cannibals' irrational fanaticism when they keep blindly assaulting the house, but I really can't complain about that since it's a direct carry-over from 7S/13th P.


This is the funniest troll-filled thread I've seen on IMDb.


I think you mixed "Seven Samurai" with "Snow-White and the Seven Dwarwes".


I dont know if its a deliberate troll or not, but the OP has a very high "reply / post" ratio

The only thing he has ever posted on this site (in the message body) is "right?"


It has far more in common with the original 'Assault on Precinct 13' than 'The Seven Samurai'. In fact I think the only similarity to Kurosawa's classic is that there were (originally) seven members of their group.
