MovieChat Forums > The Day (2012) Discussion > The Road Comparisons

The Road Comparisons

I've seen a lot of people comparing this to The Road.

I'd venture to say that it could be in the same universe as The Road, but this story would have happened prior to The Road. It might be what led to the utter lack of people in The Road.

Maybe five years before The Road took place?

Sleep peaceably at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on your behalf.


I agree, after watching it for a short while I felt like it took place in the same world.



I concur with this assessment. Though I'm not sure if in this particular fantasy the world was doomed no matter what, it could have just been a general breakdown in society at large.


Didn't they say the world had been like that for 10 years? In The Road, the boy isn't even that old, and I think he was born before the world ended, no?


In 'The Road' the boy is ~8 years old and his mother was pregnant when the cataclysm occurred.


So, The Road takes place about 8 years after the cataclysm, and The Day about 2 years later. So if anything, it takes place after The Road, not before.

Also, I wonder where all that ash went?


Well, it clearly wasn't produced with the intention of being in the same theoretical universe, it just has it's similarities.


What ash? the movie isnt in the same universe. This movie isnt a sequel or pre.

religion is like a prison for the seekers of wisdom


Congratulations on that fantastic insight. Read the OP, that might clue you in on the topic.


Uh yeah, you were the one that ran away with it, not us.


Well don't say that I was the one who spoiled The Road for people. But there are a few other cannibal movies that might fit in this world as well.



I'm glad other people feel the same way! When I finished watching the movie last night, my first thought was that whomever wrote the screenplay must have seen The Road & thought, "hey, what if we 'reimaginec' The Road but with just the cannibals!? And with waaaay more sepia & gray tones."


They mention in The Day that it is about 10 years after the apocalypse. It has been 2 years since the woman has heard a bird, but later during the interrogation scene the man says it was 10 years.


Stretching the imagination a little you could just about put it in the same world as the Road. A lot of things are very similar - cannibals, starvation, no animals/live plants, no explanation of the cause, very little or no hope for the future - but since The Day happens 10 years after the 'event' it would take place about 2 years after the Man and Boys adventure down The Road (since that was 8 years after). The problem is that in many ways, things do look quite a lot brighter in The Day - the atmosphere, remnants of plant life, more people around & they're in much better shape and look better fed than in The Road, even the non-cannibals - but of course one could imagine that it takes place in an area which has, for a variety reasons, fared somewhat better than the one where The Road happens.
