MovieChat Forums > Charlie's Angels (2011) Discussion > Everyone who wants this show to continue...

Everyone who wants this show to continue join this page on facebook!!

lets try to get enough people to join for them to consider bringing back the show!
(public pressure has proven to work in pressuring businesses and making things happen, so lets not let it go out without a fight!)
All the haters, go hate somewhere else, this thread isn't for you so try not to be all weird and have to b!tch on something that doesn't concern you) 9661622?sk=wall


Too bad it won't work. The network wouldn't have canceled it if the ratings met the studio standard which it didn't. This show's dead and even Rachael Taylor agrees with ABC's decision to cancel it. Minka Kelly and Rachael Taylor would be the only reason why I would continue to watch it.

You're clearly an idiot, don't get mad because I tell you the truth.


I don't give a *beep* what freaking Rachael taylor thinks... I disagree there's a lot of people who really liked this show and screw Rachael, she shouldn't have auditioned if she didn't want to be on it. You have a right to your opinion, but I don't really care about your negative input, it's better to try and there are a lot of people who really like this show and are pissed that it was canceled so soon!! And people owe it to themselves to let their voice be heard. Hopefully it will work, if not, at least we tried! And I know it's a show and not a world issue, but I'm just talking about joining a facebook page, not writing to congress. So join if you care. Public pressure actually DOES and HAS been proven to make a HUGE difference with many different things. So you saying it won't work is simply your own opinion and a negative one... obviously lol


It is not going to work becsue nobody cares...4 letters and a facebook page is not going to change anybody's mind. I have an idea for you siren: BUY some puppets. Put on a Charlie's Angels Pupet show in your mom's basement and then you will have your show back. Other than that the show is done, over, gone. KAPUT!


@ maxtheanonymousmoose. You can dish it but you can't take it, maxtheanonymousmoose. Why are you going after siren86? I was the one that made 'the mom's basement' joke. You can't even be original when you insult someone.


It would have to be a campaign like the one that brought back Star Trek for this to work. And with today's standards, it has to be ten times the Star Trek effort of the seventies. Otherwise, it's just peeing in the wind.
