The real question is...

not why they cancelled it (that's obvious), but why they would EVER let something like that on the air? Why did they pick up the pilot?

I mean, it was one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Not campy enough to be funny, but waaaay to campy to be taken seriously. It was just really, really bad.

Until networks stop taking people for complete idiots, they'll be financing shows like that. And how many actual good, original shows haven't been picked up to give the slot to a "safe" remake?

That's the real tragedy.

With the newspaper strike on, I wouldn't consider dying! /Bette Davis/


Oh, my Dearest Saint,
how can u be so cruel with our little Angels?
Yesterday I saw the pilot in a theatre in Madrid within the Festival de Series (Series Festival), a wonderful opportunity to see some series on a big screen...
And the pilot of our beloved show was rather good, if not awesome.
I loved it... Our little Angels were so good and beautiful, so gorgeous and funny. My favourite was Abby. She is definitely the Farrah of the new Angels...
I think they should get our beloved Angels back with some improvements: maybe a new Angel (to get the excitement of the replacement of Farrah Fawcett-Majors by Cheryl Fawcett-Minor), a new Charlie (a woman would be a great idea: I would love our Dearest Joan Collins to be the new Charlie), the return of Little Sis Kris and our sweet Kelly to support the new Angels and some brilliant guest appearances: my sweet Heather Locklear would be a dream come true...
Any more ideas?
But please, we want our Angelic Heaven and our so cherished characters back!


I agree Saint. Who are the geniuses green lighting this stuff? Do they just think the viewing public is that stupid? "Hey let's take the name of an iconic 1970s tv show, get some really good looking people regardless of whether they can act and then throw in plenty of action sequences filled with explosions and machine gune fire instead of having to worry about the writing".
