MovieChat Forums > Charlie's Angels (2011) Discussion > Do you think TNT will pick it up?

Do you think TNT will pick it up?

I think they have to, I mean TNT airs NBA basketball during Thursdays and with them being in a lockout do you think Charlies Angels will fill that void?


Oh thank you my Dearest falcosponge for giving us such Hope!
It would be wonderful!
Do you think production may star again soon?
Any changes for the new production?
Please give us good news... We need'em!


lphilipe, he/she was just making a suggestion. I think it would great if another network (i.e. FX, TNT) picked it up. It happened to Southland after it was cancelled. The chances of that occurring now with Charlie's Angels, is slim to none. I supposed it would all depend on the amount of viewers/ratings the remaining produced episodes (5 - 8) get. For the record, production on the show has officially been halted. So once episode 8 airs, that's it.



The CW seems to be the best possible home

No. If you watch the CW shows and CA, I don't see much how they can relate or connect. CA is mostly an action show, and shows like Gossip Girl and The Vampire Diaries are mostly romantic-oriented dramas. The show Nikita is only half action half drama, I think CA was mostly an action show more than anything.

The only reason at this point that TNT would be a good home for CA is b/c their remaking Dallas so they could possibly put the two together on the same night but outside of that that. I'm not liking the TNT idea at all.

Remaking Dallas? WTF?! Anyways, like I said in the beginning TNT would be good right now because TNT normally airs NBA games on Thursday nights, with the NBA in a lockout and games are now canceled, TNT is dying to find shows to fill the void. CA seems to be a perfect show to fill in that void.






no. The show is done. What do you people need to make you understand that. Does an ABC executive have to come to your house and explain the definition of "Cancellation"? IT is over. Done. Finished. That's it. Case closed. Good bye.


Cancellation means done for the network, that doesn't mean another network won't pick it up.



This fool knows one of the lowest rated shows of the season is not being "picked" up by anyone. It is over. It is not coming back. What don't you get about this?


Tell that to the creators of Southland and Conan O' Brien.


Thank you my Dearest Friends, I have great expectations now!
We have to be united, because united we will win, and divided we will fall!
Our beloved show has to be back soon, maybe with some changes... For example bringing a new character to replace Abby, Eve or Kate.
Who do you think should leave?
And who should be the new Angel. I would love Blake Lively to be the new Angel. She would be great; she could be Rita Demarest, the daughter of a Charlie's old friend.
And why not a new Charlie? A woman? It would be great if Joan Collins, our dearest Joan, be the new Charlie! It would be such a beautiful tribute to our dearest Aaron (R.I.P.).
And of course, the coming back of our so cherished original Angels: little Sis Kris, our oh so sweet Kelly, our sexy Julie or the so elegant Tiffany!
And just something very personal, although I do not think it will happen: I would be so happy if Heather Locklear, our so adorable Heather, could join the Team... maybe as Bosley's new love interest...
What are your thoughts, my Dearest Friends?
Please, we do have to be in front of our TV sets tomorrow night to help our so cherished Angels!



Oh my dearest friend lostmysocks, why are you so rude with me?
I just want to be friendly with you all...
And we have to fight and fight to get our Angelic Heaven back with improvements so that the producers want to go on with our so beloved show and so cherished characters...
Let's be united and we will win!



amen LOST. This show over. It had bad ratings. It got cancelled. It is not coming back (I don't care about SOUTHLAND and CONAN is a stupid example). Nobody is picking it up. It is done.


You should care about Southland in this case, they are one good example of why you're wrong.


CA had much worse ratings then Southland's first season. Southland started out with a 3.1 while CA just a 2.1. Southland stayed mostly in the 2's and CA fell as low as a 1.2. I don't see the comparison. You just can't claim Southland as an example because it moved to another network. It was a late starter, not until April, it got renewed for a second season on it's original network and they even started filming it, then there was some issues and it's premiere got delayed then halted, then it got picked up by another network.

CA started at the beginning of the season, did very poorly, then got axed after just a few episodes. Very different situation.



SOUTHLAND was picked up almost immediately by TNT...a rare example. A critically acclaimed show with okay ratings that NBC knocked off becasue of their football contract and scheduling issues. This garbage show is not SOUTHLAND and ABC is not NBC. And NOBODY is picking up this show. If I am wrong why hasn't it happened yet? Where is it? Oh that's right. CANCELLED!


Okay, well Southland and CA aren't big hits, I know Southland got bigger ratings and what not, however it was still pretty low. TNT got really jumpy to pick it up anyways. CA could go into TNT schedule as well because of the NBA lockout which has voided a lot of NBA games so far. CA would fit well to fill in that void.



lostmysocks is correct spongebobIknownothingaboutratings.

SOUTHLAND did have 1. Critical acclaim and 2. decent if not great ratings...certainly higher than CA. Why would TNT pick up a costly show that failed horribly already? Answer: They will not. Besides all their money is wrapped upn in CONAN anyway with thier sister station TBS.

CA is not coming back. Get used to it.


Nikita is the one show that its really compatible with as it will fit like a glove with that show and maybe even Ringer also but I don't think they would put Charlie's Angels with the other shows anyways plus Gossip Girl is a goner next season.

If you think about the new guy in charge is trying to expand more out of that demo and there's been rumors that they might even rebrand the network next season. My problem with The CW is that the reach for viewers is very limited and that's something that the network really needs to work on b/c if they don't Charlie's Angels will be shown in front of a very small audience than they are on ABC.

Nikita yeah, but you know if it ever gets into the CW it will wind up being "soaped" up to get the women 18-34 the CW wants to get. It has happened before with Nikita and it will happen to CA, and CA already has a sizable male audience that I don't think the creators want to lose.

As for the CW I can see them doing much better than NBC, but they are too choosy on what audience they have. If they broaden more maybe they would have more viewers than NBC, and perhaps become popular. Personally that's part of the reason I don't think CA belongs on the CW.

I see what you mean with the NBA void as we'll likely hear something on the lockout if there's going to be a season sometime this week. TNT will have a Mystery Movie franchise coming out in late November and I can see them filling Thursdays with same week repeats of those movies on Thursday Nights until the NBA is ready.

If TNT does pick it up I'll be happy and so will everybody else but there's just better homes for CA than just TNT in my opinion. That's just my opinion though.

Yep their remaking Dallas it looks pretty good though but I'm not getting into unless I find out it will be a true hit that TNT will commit to keeping around.

Dallas trailer:

As for the Dallas trailer, interesting....but I hope it doesn't go into the crapper because it's a remake like CA did. Anyways, if you are ever following the NBA lockout, there's very little chance they will salvage the season sooner or later, so if TNT doesn't want to lose any money over lost game times, they should just pick up a canned show from network TV and give it a second chance on a lower bar of success on cable. I don't think TNT would use repeats of Mystery Movies as replacement, it isn't profitable to put that in a slot that would've a very profitable pro basketball game.

But I do hope TNT picks it up, and if it does I'd be happy too.
