MovieChat Forums > Charlie's Angels (2011) Discussion > I think this may bring an end to the re...

I think this may bring an end to the remake-trend

if people in the biz don't get the idea now...

However, in all fairness, the difference today is that they yank a show off the air if it's not a hit immediately. In yesteryear, not all hit shows were successful in the beginning.
It would actually be less costly to give a show a chance,then to lose the investment,and have to replace it.



But Jacyln Smith was not the greatest either. I think it's more than the bad acting




No it won't end the remake trend and remakes are in right now and there be more coming
so were going to have more remakes like or not and I have accept remake since in 2007 their not bad and sometime they are bad but instead moaning about 24/7 every year like half post are doing I just move on and know no matter what the remakes can never ruin or touch the original version of movies,tv shows I like

Now end of day and Iam the Reaper:Silent hill


But doesn't the biz imitate itself?
Usually when something hits or misses,and more than once, the biz will feel it's a safe($$) venture to do more like it,or not. The Bionic Woman failed also.


Well unlike most people I give remakes a chance and now I watch last episode remake tv show Charlies's Angels heck I might just watch remake tv series Dallas which be coming on soon

Now end of day and Iam the Reaper:Silent hill



The original show had the novelty factor on it’s side. Also in the seventies campy shows were kind of normal. And don’t forget there were way less TV channels so it was much easier for a show to get a decent share of the viewers.

However this show wouldn’t have benefited of any of those factors because it was just beyond bad in every department.


'Also in the seventies campy shows were kind of normal'
It wasn't considered campy then. The word campy wasn't even used that much; it is only in retrospect. People didn't view the original CA as camp or a form of unintentional comedy.


I didn’t say it was viewed as being campy back then. I expressed that it wasn’t any worse than what was standard in its day.


Not many people like or appreciate good ol camp shows anymore. I feel like with the new Battlestar Galactica television show and Batman Begins, everyone is now obsessed with everything being 'dark' and 'gritty'.


Humans have been retelling stories for as long as we've been telling stories.

That will not stop being true as long as there are humans.


What you will see is a lot more reality TV. Most people will have to get their fix from cable. Broadcast is unwilling to take the risks to catch up with cable quality. Since They know they will lose tons of profit. Instead they are trying to turn the bossiness model into one similar too Hollywood cinema. Which means remakes, Reboot, and Adaptations. This decade has a lot of failures of remakes and reboots on television. so I'm thinking there will be lot more mediocre adaptation and very few successes in the vein of Game Of Thrones.

