MovieChat Forums > Charlie's Angels (2011) Discussion > Please, my Dearest Friends...

Please, my Dearest Friends...

... everybody watch our beloved show next thursday!
We have to be all in front of our TV set to save our Angels!
Millions and millions so that ABC reconsider their very bad
decision; we have to make them feel guilty of a horrendous
TV crime, the axing of our Angelic Heaven. Let's fight all
together for our so cherished Abby, Kate and Eve...
Millions and millions in front of the TV sets to get our
sweet heroins back... for a whole season! And for the return
of our Little Sis Kris and our so sweet and sexy Kelly...


That won't help. Only Nielsens count. All of America could watch the next episode and it wouldn't matter at all if the Nielsen families didn't.
