Help my Dearest Friends

According to the article in, the production has been halted and the future of our beloved show is in doubt.
Does it mean there is a chance of a revival? With some new actresses? New production? Please somebody tell me what it really means...
And is there any chance the episodes will be released on DVD?


Please my Dearest Friends, somebody help with my questions!


dearest retard:

The show is cancelled. It is dead. Deceased. Gone. It is not coming back. Adios. Au Revoir. Good bye. No show. Will not exist. Out of here...put a fork in it. All she wrote. The show is not on TV anymore (after the filmed episodes are aired). Say so-long.

Do you understand?


Do not be so rude, my Dearest maxtheanonymousmoose. We are here to discuss our so cherished Angels and the fact stated there was a doubt made me have some hopes of a new beginning.
The Angels are TV History and their legacy cannot be thrown away.
I am sure our sweetest Drew is aware of that; she too is an Angel.
And why didn't they call our gorgeous Cheryl and Jaclyn for some episodes? It would have been the opportunity to see Little Sis Kris and our so sexy Kelly again...


"The Angels are TV History..."


I can't argue with you there gphilipe. The show is history!



look life is rough...this is the TV watched this junk it was cancelled. That is the end. What is the big the quote below.


"The TV business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side."

(loosely attributed to Hunter Thompson)


Bye bye Angels..


You don't need be rude to the op or name call. All you've done max is personally attack the posters who watched the show, and enjoyed it while they could .,

If you didn't like the show that's fine it's in no way going to appeal ,to everybody but you being extremely rude to those of us who did like it, and enjoyed it , while we could is unnecessary.

Have a nice night.

sig- "Proud Storywriter since 1990"



who watched this show? 2 people? Personally attacked? It was a terrible terrible show that nobody watched...end of story.


by - maxtheanonymousmoose on Sun Oct 16 2011 06:17:56 who watched this show? 2 people? Personally attacked? It was a terrible terrible show that nobody watched...end of story.

Mate totally agree with you, the op sounded desperate and weird, my dearest friends? uh guy welcome to the internet where everyone hates you.
This show sucked and well it was cruel the way it was made suffer. The pilot was soooo bad, hey i can get satellite image inside a room and to the right of a person.
as to the second douche complaining about Max, GTFO. The show sucks and really if u get offended by this little bit of negativity your life is going to be REALLY REALLY SAD!



Oh thank you so much my dearest JayWeezy, you gave us all a little hope for our beloved Angels to come back with some improvements... and maybe the return of our sweet Kelly and our Little Sis Kris. Our dearest Cheryl said there were talks about them joigning the Angelic Team... So why not? It would be wonderful if another channel could get the show.
Another point my Dearest Friends: will we have the 8 episodes on DVD soon? I want them to complete my Angelic collection...

