MovieChat Forums > Homeland (2011) Discussion > Season 7 is kind of a train wreck

Season 7 is kind of a train wreck

Haven’t the writers learned by now that the weakest aspect of this show is Carrie’s family? I don’t care about her annoying sister and her daughter adds nothing to the show.

After the high stakes of last season it seems quite underwhelming that the best tension they can muster is whether Carrie can sneak into the house before her sister realizes she’s been out all night, thus saving us from the 30th lecture about being a grownup.

I can’t believe it took like 6 episodes for Carrie and Saul to have a conversation, really?

The whole FBI standoff subplot went on for what seemed like 3 years and was so hokey and laughable that had I never seen this show before I might mistake it for a comedy.

If Carrie is no longer working at the White House then why are they focusing so much time on Madame President? Are we supposed to care if she fails? Why is Saul working for her?

The only positives for this year would be more screen time for Max and Claire Danes finally showing her ass, but that’s about it.

The only thing that could possibly save this season is if Madame President gets killed, Saul gets seduced by the dark side and turns on his country, or if Carrie murders her family in cold blood and burns the house down....then goes on the run as a wanted fugitive. Fat chance on all three things if you ask me.


I think "train wreck" is putting it lightly, its a disaster.


I agree the daughter adds nothing to the show and is just an appendix-like character they need to just ditch. Initially there was the 'frisson' factor that Brody lives on, etc, but now they don't even do anything with that legacy, and it could be anyone's kid.

I too am bored by the family drama with the sister and her a-hole husband.


I thought they managed Carrie's family aspect quite well this season, it's not anything on the level of Dana's silly adventures from a few seasons ago.

Unfortunately the Dante getting offed by a single man, and apparent non-existent security around him, was all too predictable. It was very 24-esque, so many of us had seen that before.


I agree with the lack of security on Dante ... but I think they have so much time and complexity in the show, they can only do and show so much. We have to "suspend our disbelief" and realize the point is that the Russian spies want Dante dead at any price. The show much go on in other words. They cannot show every little thing. If Dante is dead I think that is a waste of a good character, and Carrie's complete break from reality in the last episode launches the show into a different mode. I hope they give Saul a bigger role instead of a temporary foil for Carrie. When there is too much Carrie on this show it becomes crazy as the character.


But wouldn't it be great if they did get full custody, triple win, no more Frannie, no more sister and husband, Carrie has a mental breakdown and gets locked in an asylum for the rest of this series and next and we don't have to put up with her freak show and her stupid shaped torso and funny walk.


You guy are over-critical and don't realize how the show would suffer if Carrie did not have a family.


If the family was not there, there would nothing "normal" to balance Carrie's life off of, and she would really go off the deep end. I was sorry that her Dad, Frank Mathison, who was the great character James Rebhorn actually died in real life last season.

Carrie has really gone off the deep end with her family this season, far more than I think is believable, but that family connection is key to the whole show.


> if Madame President gets killed,
> Saul gets seduced by the dark side and turns on his country,
> or if Carrie murders her family in cold blood and burns the house down

You have a sick mind. The are not yet writing TV dramas for that level of psychopathy ... but if you wait another 20 years they will probably catch up with you.
