Got a question ???

Seems like Dar Adul and Saul out rank each other every other season. Do they ???


That is an interesting question. Are the two, Saul Berenson and Dar Adal, friends, compatriots, fake friends, co-workers or what? They seem to work really great with each other. i think they change jobs over the series because Saul gets in trouble.

I love that scene where the lock Lockhart in the secure briefing room.

They do change jobs, and then at the and ... all bets are off. I always felt like this was the internal tension in the US State Dept. as we see today between Arab and Israeli, though it never comes out or is mentioned in the series. Dar Adal is Arabic for “house of justice”. Saul Berenson is American, but clearly strong ties to Israel.

What a great series Homeland was, or evolved into. Especially the last seasons that hint at the Right-Wing wacko conspiracy against America.


This is from Wikipedia:

Mandy Patinkin as Saul Berenson, Carrie's mentor and the CIA's Middle East Division Chief; during season 3 he is Acting Director of the CIA.

F. Murray Abraham as Dar Adal, a black ops specialist (recurring seasons 2 and 4, starring seasons 3 and 5–6, guest season 7).

Then Dar decided to throw in his lot with the Trumpies and try to take over the government and went to prison inmate! ;-)


I'm rewatching Homeland (season 5 episode 12 ) now on HULU. I have the first 7 seasons on Blueray. I'm unable to find season 8 on any disc format.


I think they are on some streaming services ... is it not on Hulu?

* I loved that scene where the lock Lockhart in the secure briefing room.


That is a funny scene. I'm starting season 6 on HULU right now. I just want season 8 on disc to complete the set.


That's weird you cannot find it online for sale?
They have the Homeland set with S1-7 ... but I don't see 8?
I'd bet you a dollar it is because it has Carrie going to Russia,
and it probably got censored.
It was so odd that a series that I inititally watched and dumped
as being Right-wing pro-war propaganda and eventually decided
to give another chance to, turned around so drastically, almost
a complete 180. I thought it was really well-balanced. Totally


Then at the end of the op he brings in his wife's lasagna and redeems his character.


I like the scene where Max tells Quinn he was late because the cab driver got lost going to the CIA safe house.
