MovieChat Forums > Bad Santa 2 (2016) Discussion > Where can I stream this?

Where can I stream this?

Is this online anywhere?

Black lives matter. Screw the Blue!
Gavin Long and Micah Johnson are American heroes.


Go spend 7$ you cheap fck , what they don't take food stamps


Lol you took the words outta my mouth


Oh go *beep* yourselves, you ignorant *beep* If a person wants to watch it online, that's their right. Weren't you ever taught to keep your mouth shut if you don't have anything nice to say? Pathetic keyboard warriors.

#VivaLaBull - Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


And didn't your mom teach you what I taught her? Not to be a retarded hypocrite who talks with a dick in their mouth.


Lol that actually made me laugh. One of those foul mouthed idiots who resorts to the lowest form of slanging. Hypocrite? No. Simply a reaction. I treat those how they treat me and others. You don't give any respect, you don't get any respect, is that clear? You *beep* moron.

Now run along, little boy and go try and intimidate someone else with your big talk.

#VivaLaBull - Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


I'm pretty sure that pirating something isn't a "right."


Yeah it is. It's ther right to do whatever they want to do, doesn't mean you have to agree with it but no matter what a person does, they shouldn't get attacked by an ignorant, foul mouthed idiot. It's not like they did anything vile or hateful, that would provoke such a reacton. They just want to watch a movie online.

#VivaLaBull - Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


So no link? Cmon , tis the season for giving ...

Black lives matter. Screw the Blue!
Gavin Long and Micah Johnson are American heroes.


Uh, yeah...theft is not a right.


Google it yourself, pirate.


I am sorry, I can't get over the idiot proclaiming that pirating is a "right". No doubt that he has equally enlightened views towards rape, arson, etc? Jesus people really are getting dumber.


Yes because rape and arson are really on the same level as WATCHING A MOVIE ONLINE and I'M the dumb one? Haha get real.

#VivaLaBull - Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


Yes, you are. They are ALL crimes. If you are unable to somehow scrape together five to seven dollars in order to see a movie like most people, that is your fault, and likely a result of your poor lifestyle decisions. That does not entitle you to steal, which is what piracy is. No doubt that you are super cool and counter culture and really think that you are sticking it to the establishment when you pirate a movie, but don't be fooled. No matter how cool you think you are, you are just a schlub who couldn't scrape five to seven dollars together. Your parents must be proud.



I've pirated my share of stuff, but no, it is not a right. When something is illegal, it is not "a right." It's the opposite of a right. See, rights are things that are legal and that citizens are entitled to having. Pirating fails in both counts. Hence the posters anaoligy of you supporting other crimes. It's not rocket science.

Just look up "piracy" in a dictionary. It wasn't given to streaming/ or downloading copy-righted material because it's legal, lol.


You do realize that any pirated films for one still in the damn theatres will be poor quality because it will come friom someone recording it in the theatre? That's assuming you can find it. Yeah, just go to see it or wait several months.


Not true at all.


its in the usual places. its a good looking copy also
