The Ending (SPOILERS)

So, the movie ends with Sunny getting arrested, Marcus is still alive in the hospital, Thurman got shot in the butt, Regent was arrested for embezzlement, Willie becomes a janitor at a hospital, and Diane winds up in a relationship with Willie. Now let's break down what I find wrong with this.

1). Marcus is still alive. How? I cheered when Sunny shot him and ran him over, and then they reveal him to be alive. Why? Maybe its just me, but it was satisfying to see Marcus get his comeuppance with the gun and car, but then they ruin it with the very final end credits. That's just me, though.

2). Wouldn't Willie AND Diane be arrested too? Regent had the security guard tail his wife and take photos of her with Willie. When he is later informed of Willie and Marcus's prior records at the end before the power goes out, wouldn't Regent remark that his wife was in on the heist as well, considering the photos the security guard took of both of them outside the AA meeting? That would put a bit of a problem between Diane and Willie if she were implicated at all with the heist. Also, why would she continue dating him when she would know by the end that he was fully intended on robbing $2,000,000 from her own charity? As for Willie, this is the second time in ten to thirteen years where he was caught trying to steal money around Christmas time. I doubt the police would let him go for turning evidence against his own mom and Marcus.


The husband was embezzling money himself and if too much attention was brought to the fnances I am sure his affair or his embezzlement would come out.

"I think I liked it better when I thought Sylar ate brains." -Warriorrenegade
