Luke's T shirts

Does anyone have an opinion on why Ryan Gosling, Luke in the movie, always wore his T shirts inside out? His shirts always looked beaten up on the collars. Maybe they were dirty? Thought it was a cool look.

As God As My Witness I Thought Turkeys Could Fly


I noticed that too, and they had him smoking way too much!


I think that was just his own unique style


I noticed it too, but I have no idea why he did. I think it was just for aesthetic reasons, and to make it a character quirk. I quite liked it for that reason, I felt like it was really in line with his character and his rebellious nature.

When you grow up, your heart dies.


That actually was a trend in the 90s...people wore sweatshirts and tee shirts inside out.


It was the 90s. That was a style in some parts of the country.


I think "style" was about the last thing on Luke's mind. He wore ripped t-shirts because it was all he had.


I thought it was to save on washing, he just tuned them inside out when it got dirty
