MovieChat Forums > Smash (2012) Discussion > Cut musical numbers from the show?

Cut musical numbers from the show?

The ones I can think of are:

1. McPhee's "Stay"
2. The one from "Bombshell" (1x15) with Karen and Ivy wearing the green sweaters, circling each other.
3. This one of Megan at the 18 second mark
4. I think this is Katharine(?) at the 5 second mark

Can you think of any others? Or why they weren't included in the deleted scenes? Seems like a waste of time and money to film them and not use them at all.

Here's an idea: next time, instead of being late, just *beep* on my face-Emma Stone


I believe someone has theorized that #2 and #3 were the same number because they're so trippy, but there could have been a reason for #3 in-plot that we just don't know, like another benefit for Ivy to perform at.

The other AWOL song is Ivy's version of "I Got Love" where Derek originally asked Ivy to get the point across to Veronica, which made it onto Entertainment Tonight (?) in a background on-set shot, and which Megan said (elsewhere I think) in video, she hoped would be on the DVD.

My guess for 2/3 would be that they were just such a plot misstep they would only have confused everybody as it sounds like a dream sequence (runner-up for the fact that it could have been too musically difficult, but then I don't know what to make of the fact that it made it into promo). Maybe it was too on-the-nose, mean, or confrontational with Karen and Ivy, or considering Kat fans called it "the White Rabbit number" I assume it went set to Jefferson Airplane, which with its theme, has kind of already been covered by Ivy's "Who You Are" drugged hallucination-singing and her stumbling around during "The Higher You Get" from Heaven on Earth. It makes more sense for things to be cut and not reinstated for logic reason in S1, because they would know at that point they were getting an S2, and keeping people from confusion even through deleted scenes could be important. I think we can also at least fix it/them as having belonged to an episode before 1.13. Considering 1.13 is approximately the episode that was being shot when the pilot went to air, and you would think they would have locked down the majority of their pre-promo well before S1 started to air, not to mention we have the beloved "Touch Me" of episode 1.8 (?) front and center in the selfsame promo chunks.

The theory I've seen for S2 song cuts are that they were cut before final mastering for sound and thus a little (or a lot) on the inaudible side. Less so "I Got Love" because you would think that Megan knew how long they'd spent on her doing it and thus it was more likely to be a finished product. "Stay" probably went just because it was a cover and they didn't need the cover to elaborate whatever it was supposed to elaborate on in-show.


Jeremy Jordan said on Twitter once that number 4 was a Karen/Jimmy duet of "Broadway, Here I Come!" It was supposed to open 2x02, but was probably cut due to time restraints. This is why we see Karen daydreaming on the steps in the start of that episode - she was imaging herself singing this number.
