MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > Do we want this movie for the wrong reas...

Do we want this movie for the wrong reasons?

I may be the only one but I'm not terribly interested in black panther. I'm just not interested in it ,nothing caught my attention when watching the trailer. I never really cared for the comic either. They aren't bad I just don't care for them. When talking about this in conversation I always get "have you seen the cast doe!" "Black people neeeeed it" or the occasional comic snob telling me im not a real fan . Go to any BET comment Thread on the movie and you'll see comments saying that black people HAVE to support this movie and that it's going to change everything for us. Why in 2018 are we basing quality and impact of a movie on skin color that just doesn't seem right to want or like a movie just because there are people of color in it. I felt a similar way about wonder woman. A lot of people only liked it because it was a women in a lead role. I seen similar post when the trailer for that movie was released. "Women everywhere HAVE to support this." Why do we throw out all criticism for movies like these because of the race or gender of the star. sometimes even the idea or message of the movie overshadows the quality . Movies like will smith's bright are prime examples. that movie was underwhelming and kind of lazy but because it had a message about social issues the black community loved it and deemed it award worthy. Am I being unreasonable and ridiculous or do I have a point somewhere in my nonsensical ramblings


I get what you're saying and you're definitely entitled to not being interested in a movie. But I don't think this movie exists for the wrong reasons; to get existential, why do any movies exist?

As someone who is watching my friend's biracial son grow up in a world where there are almost no POC, especially males of colour, for him to look up to in films and tv shows for kids, I think this movie is necessary. We recently sat down and tried to name any tv shows and movies suitable for a kid under 15, where the protagonist is male, under 15 and a POC, and we literally couldn't think of one current show or movie where that's the case. While he's not old enough for this yet, there are young men looking for role models in media and not finding any. I think that makes this film right for them.


It's just another obscure Marvel based character that's getting their own movie. That's how I really see this movie as in the end. I didn't know too much about GOTG or Ant-Man, hell, even BH6 until they got their movies. Found them all fantastic. So I also didn't know too much about Black Panther outside of Civil War, but I am willingly to give his movie a shot anyways. Being a MCU property with an all-black cast in origin is just another trivial plus. But I think I get what you meant in the end about liking or supporting a film based on diversity vs quality. I wouldn't mind too much about how the SJ types chose to praise hymn over trivial matters like diversity representation.

As for Wonder Woman, in that case, the movie that came out last year was her first own standalone film. Whereas two other iconic DC characters, Batman and Superman, got many film adaptations before since they are the most known DC superheros. Wonder Woman is another iconic DC character just like Batman and Superman, with the Justice League franchise being a very big deal that got her in it as a member, so it only begs the question about WW (as well as the other JL characters like Aquaman, Flash, etc) getting a live action feature film around some point too. Right many Batman movies again? Or Superman movies? Or that one Green Lantern movie that flopped?


I kind of agree with you. Black Panther doesn't seem like an interesting character at all. I don't even care about race; I'd say the same thing if he was White Panther. He didn't impress me in Civil War.

That being said, then I saw the trailer, and thought the movie itself looked totally kick-ass! But aside from the main movie plot, I'm excited to see this because it should continue the storyline about Bucky and Cap. Although I bet it introduces Cap as nomad, and then he leaves Wakanda. It probably touches on the mental re-conditioning of Bucky. Finally, I'm most interested in how this leads into Infinity War. This is where the MCU concept is really earning it's money. I would probably never go see this movie as a standalone concept. But because of the MCU, I have already purchased my ticket.


But aside from the main movie plot, I'm excited to see this because it should continue the storyline about Bucky and Cap. Although I bet it introduces Cap as nomad, and then he leaves Wakanda. It probably touches on the mental re-conditioning of Bucky. Finally, I'm most interested in how this leads into Infinity War.
BP truly had very little linkage to A:IW and the Cap + Bucky saga which I was fine with. It does really impact the MCU in other ways which I am intrigued to see going forward.

The MCU can't stay with a cosmic threat forever so pulling back to smaller more intimate character stories will have to happen.
