MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > Here is the message of Black Panther for...

Here is the message of Black Panther for those who do not understand:

It’s come to my attention browsing int internet that a lot of people don’t understand the underlying message of this movie. I’m reposting my explanation for those that need it.

The film highlights the schism between Africans and African-Americans and blacks from all over the diaspora. The relationship between the two has always been complicated. Because of slavery, African-Americans were stripped of their heritage and have no solid connection with Africa. Sometimes we (African-Americans) are considered “outsiders” by Africans even though we are technically the same people. Killmonger’s character represents blacks in America; he’s cheated out of his rightful heritage and abandoned in America. He is angry, and his anger represents most of what black Americans feel. Throughout the film he is called an outsider, not welcome. In the scene with his father in the ancestral plane, his father says the people in Wakanda will say he is “lost”.

This is why many African-Americans will identify with Killmonger’s character more so than T’challa. Chadwick Boseman himself said he identifies more with Killmonger and that T’challa is the true villain:

Throughout the film, everything Killmonger says is right but his methods are wrong. T’challa realizes this by the end of the movie by going back to Oakland and supporting other African-Americans in need because no matter how separated that are...they are his people too.

There’s more levels to this film but I think I’ve gotten to the core. There’s many articles explaining the message online but I’ll post a good article the explains it pretty well:

For those not wanting to read:

I hope that helps.


Sometimes we (African-Americans) are considered “outsiders” by Africans even though we are technically the same people.

No you are not. What a ludicrous idea! The only thing you have in common with sub-Saharan Africans is the colour of your skin. Nothing else.


When I say the “same people” I mean we are descendants the same people. You completely missed the entire point of the movie AND this post. Lol


The point of the movie was mostly to make African Americans feel better by giving them an absolute ridiculous fictional country and instilling in them the thought that everything bad is the White mans fault and if it weren't for the period of European colonialism Africa would be a paradise, which is an absolute moronic notion and has no historical basis.

But African Americans apparently eat it up and go so far as to believe this nonsense, which was invented by 2 Jewish Americans is the pinnacle of Black culture and White people better not talk about it (very tolerant).

It also presents the supposed utopia Wakanda as laughably backwards in parts. The ruler of this ultramodern nation is to be chosen by a fight with spears. Really? That is supposed to be a modern 21st century nation? Imagine if Japans prime minister was to be chosen by a fight with Samurai swords. Also the supposedly modern city looks like an African slum over which they pasted a few futuristic bulidings and a railway.

It also portraits the Wakandans as shockingly racist. They are proponents of a blood and soil ethno state. And when they finally "open up", who do they help? Only other Black people. Let me tell you, there are white people in Eastern Europe who are ten times as poor as inner city African Americans.

Also, I do find it interesting that a character refered to a White person as a "colonist" soly based on the colour of his skin. By the same token I could refer to a Black person as genocidal, because there are Blacks who caused genocide (Tutsis). If that's not racist, what is?




And if I go to Ireland (I'm Irish American), guess what? I'm considered an American. Even though "my people" came from the same area.

So what?

The movie was about the dangers of turning your back to your responsibilities and not helping others when you can.


Yeah, it’s about that too. It’s also about everything that I’ve just explained.


We're all descendants of the same people. We all came out from Africa. I would think Africa is the byproduct of their own infighting as you can see with African-Americans with all those black on black shootings/deaths. Heck even the people they elect is corrupt as fuck and are not helping the continent heal or get better.


yeah... no.

Message of the movie:

Blacks were slaves. Blacks need to get together and kill the white men because they are "colonizers".


We are blacks. But we don't give a shit to other blacks. See all these riches we have? They are ours alone.

And finally:

Well... it seems that Black American inferiority complex is real. But only for African Americans. Black Africans couldn't laugh harder.


1. No where in the movie was there a message to kill all white men. Give me a specific example where someone said it was a good idea to do so.

2. The Wakandans had this mentality in the beginning of the movie but changed their stance at the end. The message is clearly that they were wrong.

3. I really don’t know what you’re getting at here. African-Americans don’t necessarily feel “inferior” to Africans. It’s just the vast differences between two as far as their upbringing and privledge (or lack thereof)

I’ve already explained what the movie means. If you still don’t understand it, clearly it wasn’t meant for you.


"1. No where in the movie was there a message to kill all white men. Give me a specific example where someone said it was a good idea to do so. "

Killmonger keeps talking about the West. His entire repertoire includes gems such as "arming for the revolution" "others don't have the firepower to cause the revolution" and the like. Furthermore this is underlined by Shuri stating Bucky and the CIA agent [can't remember his name] as "broken WHITE BOY" and "COLONIZER" [instead of calling them by their names... because they have names, you know] in a movie where Wakanda is a secluded African [ie Black] society and starts with scenes from America. The entire movie is a panache made strictly to the black Americans.

"2. The Wakandans had this mentality in the beginning of the movie but changed their stance at the end. The message is clearly that they were wrong. "

Except that apparently it's only for Black American boys. Even the UN meeting camera work was mainly focused on the BLACK attendees.

"3. I really don’t know what you’re getting at here. African-Americans don’t necessarily feel “inferior” to Africans. It’s just the vast differences between two as far as their upbringing and privledge (or lack thereof)"

No. They feel inferior to whites. Africans don't really like Americans. Little less when black americans speak of Africa as if it was theirs.

The movie is very easy to read. You have to be either stupid or blind not to see these things in it; things which are being criticized [and rightfully so] outside of America. You see, not everyone swallows the SJW PC pill.


Ok first off, I find it EXTREMELY entertaining that you, someone who is obviously not black, are telling ME who I supposedly feel inferior to. Really? Here's some news for you; NO sane black person in America feels inferior to anyone, PERIOD. Do we feel that there's some unfair inequality? Sure. But inferior? No. There's a difference. And not all Africans hate Americans. The ones that do are misinformed one way or another.

Anyway, your views and your opinions were dismissed the moment you decided to speak for two groups of people when you have no idea what you're talking about and have no place to do so. Plus the fact that you can't seem to comprehend that when a character in a film in a VILLAIN they do things that are not right. You also sound like you don't know what "oppression" means either. AND the fact that I've given sources for you to watch and read that you obviously have ignored. At this point you're starting to sound like a triggered fanboy that can't accept reality. You are a joke.


Cute. What I find entertaining is your above 8000 butt-hurt. Next: you are going to ask for money because your ancestors were sold as slaves by their own people? :D

I would like to see that.

"you decided to speak for two groups of people when you have no idea what you're talking about"

Says the guy who talks about africans. LMFAO. Fuck off kid.

" and have no place to do so."

Oh? People have to ask for your permission? So cute. Please fuck off. In the same manner, don't talk about Africans. You have no place to do so. See how that works? Fuck off again.

"a film in a VILLAIN they do things that are not right."

nahhhh.... really????? Fuck off

" You also sound like you don't know what "oppression" means either. "

Here comes the opressed black dude. :D hilarious. Fuck you and your "opression". Crawl back into your safe space kid.

Hey everybody, the black dude is feeling "opressed" give him a hug. XD


You, sir, are the only person on this thread that seems clearly triggered.

And you STILL aren’t making any sense.

But yeah, continue to hide your misunderstanding of the issue by cursing and calling me names, LOL. Very mature and intelligent response dude.

...I’m a woman by the way.

PS. It’s spelled “oppression”. Learn to spell before you make a piss-poor attempt to insult someone.


"You, sir, are the only person on this thread that seems clearly triggered. "

Clearly not for the amount of trigered replies you are getting to others. :)

"And you STILL aren’t making any sense. "

Try growing a brain.

"ut yeah, continue to hide your misunderstanding of the issue by cursing and calling me names, LOL. Very mature and intelligent response dude."

In other words: you are trigerred. Fuck off.

"...I’m a woman by the way."

awwww... want a hug?

"PS. It’s spelled “oppression”. Learn to spell before you make a piss-poor attempt to insult someone. "

I'll call it "american-black-syndrome". Want to cry?


Lol. Alright bro. It’s clear you are incapable of having an intelligent and clear argument. I’m actually bored with you now. Have a good day.




...not in the slightest. But do whatever makes you feel better. Lol

Judging by your post history on this site you appear to always need to have the last word in an argument that you are losing. Let your next post be your last.


^^^^^Judging by your post history on this site you appear to always need to have the last word in an argument that you are losing

the irony


Disregard those who don’t want to understand (have their own bogus take on it), of course. ;)

But job well done and I agree. Great post.


OK, so those who disagree with his opinion "don't want to understand"? Man, this is some 1984 speak right there.


That’s the thing; it’s not my opinion, it’s fact, lol. Aside from being painfully obvious, its been proven by the director and the actors of the movie. And I’m a she btw :)


Your "facts" come in the form of a PC pill apparently :) And that is what is painfully obvious.

What's next? Feminazi talk? Don't want to cross your "safe-space", just in case. :)


Opinions can never be considered facts, sorry. You seem to not understand that.


No, I understand that perfectly. But when the director of the movie blatantly explains what his movie is about, there’s no arguing that. It’s your choice whether you want to listen to it or not.

Have you guys READ or watched any of the sources I’ve posted?


Even his intended message is still an opinion. It's like a painter saying you are wrong if you appreciate his work for different reasons than he intended.


Yeh I diont get it. Gotta be blk 2 appreciate it.


The movie is definitely Pro Trump, that’s for sure


How so? The quote “But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” Felt like a pretty clear jab at him to be honest. Did you stay after the credits?


The Director/writer of the movie was definitely anti-liberal but I think Marvel tried to put their own two cents in at the end. They definitely poke fun at ‘Black Lives Matter’ and point out that letting refugees in would ruin the country. It’s no wonder that the movie ends with them leaving the country to help those in need as opposed to letting outsiders in Wakanda and giving them free stuff.


Wow, I didn’t get that from the movie at all. Ryan Coogler, the director or the movie is a black guy who grew up in Oakland, CA. I wouldn’t label him anti-liberal, lol. Didn’t think this movie had anything to do with black lives matter either, can you expand on what you thought they made fun of? And again, the end credits kind of left me with the notion that they were opening up their boarders to share with the world.


I don't think Ryan Coogler is anti-liberal. But if they thought starting off the movie with wakanda being a isolationist ethnostate wasn't going draw comparison to trump. I think they were dumb as pile of bricks. Even if T'Challa changes his mind latter on.



I really care about the message of the movie. Because this movie bored me to death.


I don't exactly agree. It is a well crafted film and a lot more complex than you are saying, which is something for a marvel film.

But I do get what you are saying but for me there is a sense that there is a disconnect the other way as well. Killmonger's response to his father when he is told that the Wakandan's will say he is 'lost' is that the Wakandans are 'lost'.

Character wise Killmonger has an idea of what Africa/wakanda should do but doesn't exactly feel the need to get what his heritage truly is and takes it out on those who don't live up to his vision and it kind of comes out as in his head African Americans first and Africans second because they betrayed his father and could have done something even if it meant pain for them.

I say that as he doesn't care about really learning about his african heritage or reasoning, something he unlike others actually has a chance of doing - he's got an idea in his head and that is that, look at his bastardisation of scarification or the fact he burnt the herb.

He just wanted to ship weapons and burn everything else down because he saw blacks in Oakland suffer that he saw his father betrayed. He didn't care what happened to ordinary Wakandans when those weapons got out. He didn't really care about Africa as is, he had this notion in his head and reality be damned, he'd drag wakanda kicking and screaming to do what he wanted no matter what, and that was to destroy the whole developed world and build his type of empire. He viewed the effect of that on Africans as inconsequential. And I say that because it would all be traced back to Wakandan's door.

Think about it - Vibrainium based weapons after T'Challa and co went after Klaw in Korea? The US government wouldn't be stupid they'd have put two and two together when guerrilla movements got a tonne of vibrainium weapons - you think they and others wouldn't have cut a swath of destruction across africa to get the nation supplying those weapons? Or nuked Wakanda and its neighbours? Killmonger's plan could have resulted in the destruction of Wakanda and it would have impacted its neighbours majorly and he didn't care.

Killmonger was looking purely at the plight and wrongs done to the African american side and hurting those that made African Americans and other groups in the developed world suffer and it could be said he looked down his nose at Wakanda's 'backward' isolationist ways. But wasn't against using them and the resources they had as a tool.

He basically a symbol of those who look down their noses at those who were left to pick up the pieces of the African disporia and may have suffered under colonialism rather than slavery and Jim Crow.

The isolation was wrong and yes Killmonger was looked as an outsider but T'Challa was looking about how to break that before Killmonger turned up. But really Killmonger was prepared to use and abuse those in Wakanda because he felt his ideas and experience was more important than theirs.


I totally agree! I stated that there’s more to the film but for the purposes of this post I wanted to highlight that Killmonger represented the people of the African diaspora. Despite Killmonger being the “ villain” of the movie he truly was my favorite character due to how complex and relatable his views were.


Oh yeah he represents that for sure.

And I totally get why african americans can easily relate to Killmonger. He's the best 'villain' Marvel ever presented, it is just ashame he won't be back. If they did it would diminish the character though Michael B Jordan is brilliant.

Just there is so much more to it than simply Killmonger was right, T'Challa wrong just he was misguided in his methods. Killmonger was just using Wakanda for his aims, didn't care about the people there because he was fighting for 'his' people which in his mind wasn't the Wakandans because they owed him and those they didn't help, but that is saying the Wakandans were less worthy of life and what they worked for than the African Americans that triggered the reason that Killmonger reason to fight.

And I say that because the minute those vibrianium weapons hit the streets, the US would have known Wakanda lied to them. In terms of terrorism today look at Afghanistan. We invaded that to get one man, bombed parts of it back to the stone age. Iraq we went in because of the possibility of WMD. Now imagine how they would take Wakandan weapons hitting terror groups on the streets. Who would be the ones suffering in response - not African Americans but Africans.


I can't relate to someone who wants to start a mass genocide. Regardless of there background. Even if Adolf Hitler was treated badly by Jews. I still would not be for him starting a F$$king Holocaust. Im not going say that Black people don't have to deal with some stupid shit. But Killmonger was successful enough to get a education and become a f###ing CIA Agent. You think he was going to get that kind of opportunity in Somalia. Give me a damn break. Killmonger only seems interesting because everyone else is so F$$$ing dull. Other than his decent motivations. He spends most of the movie choking innocent people while dishing out lame cliche gang lingo.
