The Grimm Finale

I'm going to miss this show. Didn't think I would like it as much as I did in the beginning. Even though I later found out that David Guinitoli was one of those "MTV Real World/Road Rules" contestants before becoming an actor.
It became a good comfort Sci-Fi show I would look forward to each Friday. While I liked some things in the finale I hated others.
I love that they included Trubel in on the action just in time for the final two episodes and brought back Nick's mother and aunt in some form to help him in that battle.
I hate hate HATED the fact that he wound up with Adalind instead of Juliette after the origin and set-up he and Juliette had for the first whole three seasons of the show. Adalind could wind up good but not taking Juliette's place. They changed the whole structure of the show in the last season and a half making it be about Nick and Adalind and her children and ended the show with Adalind's children twenty years in the future.
I wonder if "Once Upon A Time" is going to last longer or end as well (being the other fairy tale show that started simultaneous to "Grimm").


The whole love story with Adalind was poorly done. I don't actually mind that he ended up with her, but their whole romance was rushed after Juliette was killed. There should have been a whole season between her death and these two getting together, so they could develop it properly.


The entire "shipping" of Nick and Adalind was fan service. I was very unhappy, and cringed every time they hugged or kissed! Silly . And the inclusion of Diana ruined the show , too.


I think the main reason they broke Nick and Juliette up and set up the whole romance with Adalind was because DG and BT are engaged in real life, so they wanted to shuffle things up a bit.


Maybe .But they continued with the entire "kinder, gentler Adalind, as reformed Hexenbeist"! It just irritated me no end, and caused me to recoil every time they hugged, YUCK!


I have no problem with good Adalind, or the romance with Nick. Like I said, they rushed it. They didn't give her time to develop as one of the good guys, someone Nick could trust enough to fall in love eventually.


I'm wondering what happened with "when Adalind gets her powers back, her character will change back into a nasty one of a Hexenbiest, she won't be able to help it"? They totally disregarded this premise.


I think "Nick's love ❤️ "(blah) has reformed her ways. Doubt she will use her powers for evil.


Oh yeah, the mother of all hollywood endings. Yuck.


for sure


The Juliette character was really unpopular with fans though.I remember when she was "killed" how lots of fans were relieved that she wouldn't be in it anymore!
She was more likeable as Eve I think but by that time Nick and Adalind were established.
I liked Adalind even when she was bad so I enjoyed the ending.


Not sci-fi, OP. Fantasy. Two completely different genres.


I stopped watching after Nick's rape by Adalind. It was completely disgusting and after I found out they were getting together, I just couldn't stand it. To this day I never watched the final season; which is sad because I LOVED this show. It was just a plot like I had absolutely no interest in. To hear from others this was apparently a fan shipping makes me even angrier. Stop catering to fans and write a good story! I Liked Adalind; her story was interesting but she could have been made 'good' or redeemed without becoming Nick's love interest. Anyway, I'm sorry the show it over as it was a great premise and a fun watch.
