MovieChat Forums > The Stand (2020) Discussion > I'm wondering if so many Americans are f...

I'm wondering if so many Americans are fascinated with apocalyptic stories ...

that they voted for Trump to bring it about, and they are eschewing masks and social distancing because they want to see lots and lots of people dying to bring on the apocalypse?

Is that what you Trumpters are thinking?

* I see from some of hysterical and insulting responses I nailed it.
Trumpters denying the AntiChrist just as the disciples denied Christ.


Because we have purposely cut ourselves off from the rest of the world. And, our country is run by the hard right Evangelicals and other cultists who pray for the Apocalypse. Of course, it will never come. And, the Israeli Zionists use Evangelicals, telling them that they need to dedicate their lives to Israel, since that's where the Apocalypse is supposed to take place. And, being random wind-up dolls, Evangelicals do as they're told.


Yeah, but Jews are not involved in this garbage, this is a lunatic fringe from the regimented non-thinking part of the country, afraid of facts, afraid of other people and afraid to be free or to exercise their rights. To be sure, there are the nutty orthodox, but even in Westernized Israel the majority of Jews are secular and do not believe in fairy tales and magic.


Yeah, but AIPAC is all about using Evangelicals to get support and money for Israel. The movie and book "Exodus" was all about depicting Israelis as angelic and all Arabs as animals who needed to be wiped off the planet. That sentiment continues today, with the United States taking all the hits for it like we did on 9/11. Meanwhile, Israel gets away without a scratch.


You have to consider that a lot of these acronymic groups you hear about are all fake groups paid for with money from hidden right-wing billionaires. Sheldon Adelson is one. The Koch brothers, etc. Robert Maxwell and his daughter Gilhane (sp?) Jeffrey Epstein's friends. These people are working in the background to manipulate the government and remove representation of the people, by the people and for the people. Fascism in America started with the Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, J. P. Morgan, Prescott Bush ( father and grandfather to tow Presidents ). America has a very fascist side to it, and the American fascists are so much better than Russians or Chinese at hiding it in the American Exceptionalism and Myths of this country.

Exodus was not about Israel wiping Arabs off the map, that is a conversation ender dude. It was the Arab countries that started out with oppressing the Jews, just like they did the Christians, the Kurds, the Yazidis and every other religious minority that refused to submit to Islamic domination. It was the Arab/Islamic countries that refused to recognize Israel's right to a homeland to escape from the terror inflicted on them by Nazis, and the Palestinian Nazis as well. Look up Haj Amin Al-Hussasyni Grand Mufti of Jerusalem - how he got to power and what he did during WWII and after.

Read a bit about the Hamas Charter:

This is just one small paragraph, but it it well known and infamous:

Anti-Semitic Incitement:
'The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and
kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the
rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind
me, come and kill him.' (Article 7)

You have a lot of stuff wrong, and backwards.


The BOOK was that way. Most religion is based one the hatred of some other group. Jews hate Muslims, Muslims hate Jews. Evangelicals hate gays. Catholics have a history of torturing and killing scientists, ignoring the Holocaust, etc.

None of them have anything approaching morality.

And, if you're a Christian, all you need are Christ's words in the Four Gospels.

I'm not spending time reading about other religion's ceaseless rantings, thank you.


2 I voted for Trump and no; that is not what I was thinking.

that they voted for Trump to bring it about, and they are eschewing masks and social distancing because they want to see lots and lots of people dying to bring on the apocalypse?

Is that what you Trumpters are thinking?


Do you still support him after he has killed going on half a million innocent people?


this is so fucking stupid.

specially with trump solving several conflicts while not starting others ...

and I'm not even pro-trump.


WE already know evangelical Christians want to see the end of the world, so maybe the stupid one is you since you not only do not know that, but seem allergic to thinking and new information.


are you that stupid to think that all americans that voted with trump are evangelical Christians???

and are you that stupid to believe that all evangelicals want to see the end of the world?

you are so stupid that you think that all people in a group think exactly the same. i wonder why ... hmmmm


2 I would have been a bit more tactful, but this is essentially what I was thinking as well.

are you that stupid to think that all americans that voted with trump are evangelical Christians???

and are you that stupid to believe that all evangelicals want to see the end of the world?

you are so stupid that you think that all people in a group think exactly the same. i wonder why ... hmmmm


> are you that stupid to think that all americans that voted with trump are evangelical Christians???

You are stupid enough to accuse someone with no evidence of being non-thinking, while you are doing what it is you claim. Again, I think you are the stupid one, and you keep proving it.


The evidence are your posts ...


You are a very sick person. I feel sorry for the people in your life.


I think the very sick person is the one that thinks that half of the americans want the end of the world.

What's even worse, that you think that Trump brought the end of the world (or are you too stupid to realize that he was president for 4 years and, to your surprise, the world is still here?)

Geee, i swear, sometime politics kill all brain cells in some individuals ...

And it's funny to call trump "the antichrist", looks like you are one for the end of the world ...

Btw, I'm an atheist so I don't believe in your end of days bullshit.


2 You seem like a decent person, asom, so please let me say that the board for The Stand is usually pretty civilized, so if you have come here to discuss this CBS series, don't let posters like the OP make you think that we are all as rude and insulting as he is.

I think the very sick person is the one that thinks that half of the americans want the end of the world.

What's even worse, that you think that Trump brought the end of the world (or are you too stupid to realize that he was president for 4 years and, to your surprise, the world is still here?)

Geee, i swear, sometime politics kill all brain cells in some individuals ...

And it's funny to call trump "the antichrist", looks like you are one for the end of the world ...

Btw, I'm an atheist so I don't believe in your end of days bullshit.

I'll add to your 'btw' if I might; I'm a Christian and I welcome you to this board!!


This is a joke...right?


2 I don't think it is; no.

This is a joke...right?


because we are so insufferably arrogant and narcissistic that we can't imagine a world in which we no longer exist, and thus, the would rather have the whole world go down in flames along with us.


But basically in the book only US is described.

And there was no danger of US disappearing prior to Cpt trip ...


The apocalypse is coming now that dementia joe - which de facto means the CCP - is running the country. Donald J. Trump as America First, which was AWESOME, with dementia joe and his biden crime family it's america last, which is HORRIBLE.

Millions of 'refugees' will flood 'Murica (and BILLIONS more are waiting) and 'Murica will be DOOOOOOMED and POOR like an african hellhole.

If a millionaire has to share his fortune with 999 others, they will all be poor as they're left with just 1000 dollars each.

America was that millionaire and dementia xiden will let the 999 others in, to distribute the wealth so that everybody will be poor (except the ruling elite, just like in @#%$&^@# china). And if you have wrong thoughts (like "Gee, I am not sure if I am 100% in favour of the directing we as a country are going in) you'll end up in jail. Like of fatwabook; every time you voice the 'wrong' opinion you end up in jail. 1984 was a warning, liberals take it as a recipe instead.



Thing will get better as the lunatics recede and crawl back under the rocks Trump got them to slither out from.

There is no way you can watch or listen to Joe Biden interact and talk or give speeches and think that he has dementia.

But that is quite an imagination you have there.


You clearly haven't seen dementia up close.


That's rich .... clearly not as close as you who experience it on a hourly basis.


Only when I read your comments.


that they voted for Trump to bring it about, and they are eschewing masks and social distancing because they want to see lots and lots of people dying to bring on the apocalypse?

Is that what you Trumpters are thinking?

Says a person who shares the political views of the people who spent the whole summer rioting, looting, burning and demanding that police be defunded/disbanded.

Projectors gotta project, I guess... LOL!


Except I did not "spent the whole summer rioting, looting, burning and demanding that police be defunded/disbanded"


Apparently, you didn't spend it developing your reading skills, either.


Quit wasting my time with your nonsense.


Ha! You sound so defeated. As far as nonsense, I'm merely replying in kind to yours.


Trumpers watch The Walking Dead as kind of a dress rehearsal.


Dress rehearsal ... for being zombies? i think they have it down pat! ;-)
