
Has anyone noticed any goofs in this film series yet? In the book and the 1994 ABC effort, there were tons of goofs as evidenced by one of the longest threads in that board.


I've been assuming that people here are already familiar with the original story, so I've been using spoiler tags to cover things unique to this revision of The Stand. There are two things I've written about here that I would consider goofs; rather than rewrite them I'll point you to the threads. They're also both spoilers. The first, I think, is a trivial spoiler. The second is a considerable more significant one, but I don't think it will ruin the story.

Goof #1. I've never been to Colorado and never bothered to check out the weather. But since King lived there for a while, I assume he knew what he was talking about and his descriptions in the book are accurate. Also, James Michener made similar observations in Centennial, which was also set in Colorado. With that said, check out my remarks in the "Global Warming" thread --

Goof #2. Another user here asked for a description of the last episode and I gave it. So if you look, don't peek at my long reply, seven paragraphs of which are covered by a spoiler block, unless you want to see a description of the entire episode. Instead, look at the bottom, at my reply which begins "You're welcome. I rolled my eyes ..." Looking under the spoiler block in that post will give you the goof without ruining the entire episode. I might be wrong, but I Googled around and never saw any such real life item which was that wide. The thread is "So what was the new material?" --
