MovieChat Forums > Longmire (2012) Discussion > longmire is the bad guy Midway thru Seas...

longmire is the bad guy Midway thru Season 5 Spoilers

It really upsets me how bad Longmire is. He breaks people rights every episode. Right now I am at the point where he breaks into the PI house. Now his doing all this stuff would be one thing, but at the same time he does it anyone who is not in his inner circle that does something wrong he is all holier than thou. I mean they make the Rez Chief out to the a bad guy, but compare to Walt he is a saint.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.


I know what you mean. For sure he is nothing like the Walt Longmire in the books. The TV Longmire is a bully, an incompetent and rogue cop who has no respect for anyone but himself and no regard for other people's rights or the law. The best thing about the show, to me, is that it made me aware of the Craig Johnson books, which are amazing.


Thanks I might pick one up.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.


Walt is a bada$$ hero. I love him. I'm so sick of people screaming they have "rights." If you want to break the law then you don't have "rights," plain and simple.


He literally breaks the law at least once an episode.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.


I'm a police officer. October 10, 2016 will make sixteen years. In the real world Walt would not only have lost his badge, but he would probably have gone to prison for civil rights violations and been sued out of financial existence.

Walt is a bada$$ hero. I love him. I'm so sick of people screaming they have "rights." If you want to break the law then you don't have "rights," plain and simple.

I don't know if you are an American citizen, but try to remember that the Constitution of the United States (in particular the first ten amendments) codify the rights of people in terms of their relationship to the government. Often that relationship involves being prosecuted for a crime. Criminal prosecution falls to the government which means it's about ensuring the rights of the accused are observed and protected. Walt Longmire is a sheriff which means he is a governmental employee and a police officer and is expected to follow the law which means not violating the rights of the accused who have not yet been found guilty of a crime. So Walt is frequently acting in a criminal and unconstitutional manner when he does the things he does to get confessions. Many feel the way you do and might continue to do so unless they find themselves being charged with a crime. Then they love the hell out of the Bill of Rights.


I would say that part of the problem with this show is that "Walt is always right." So his breaking and entering and trodding all over the Constitution are shown to the viewer as justified, because he always finds the criminal. If they showed us a few innocent people having their rights violated, we'd be a lot less sympathetic with his means to an end.


^AMEN^... I SO AGREE w/EVERYTHING you have said aliholly !!! Kudos to you! :)


It seems like as the series goes on, Longmire is portrayed more and more as the "bad guy". It's interesting this season how I actually was on Jacob Nighthorse's side which seems crazy. Longmire is very convinced that he is the ultimate bad guy, and it seems from this season like he isn't, but maybe it's all a big setup for next season and we'll find out Nighthorse actually IS bad?


Nighthorse IS a bad guy...
Longmire just seems to keep getting worse to beat him.

Given the size of his department, Longmire could certainly break the law for an extended period of time.However, in situations like when he broke into the PI's house, there should have been video evidence of this occurring. That alone would have put his butt into a crack.

Great show that seems to be losing focus.

Bad films are a crime against humanity.


It's interesting this season how I actually was on Jacob Nighthorse's side which seems crazy.

This is how I'm feeling, although I do think it's a setup for next season. Walt is really obsessed with Jacob Nighthorse and it's driving him to do some crazy things.


I hope Nighthorse doesn't turn out to be bad. That would be a cheap way to justify crazy Walt's craziness. And this Hector stuff. Everything Hector did was on the Rez, why is he investigating.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.


I think Jacob Nighthorse is a good man, trying to do the best he can for his tribe. Walt is totally out of control. I Liked everyone in season five except for Walt. He's a maniac. Nighthorse has been good to Cady and so has Henry, but where was Walt when she needed him?

I hope someday you all join us
And the world will be as one-John Lennon


I can not stand the character anymore. His constant paranoia about Jacob is just annoying at this point, it doesn't matter if he is right or wrong. Even Malachi is a more likable character. Longmire is the title character, but I would rather watch it without him at this point.


While we're on the subject, Cady Longmire is just as annoying as her father


What don't you like about Cady? She is a little annoying to me but nothing like here dad lol.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.


After watching all the way... he just got worse. He fired the new guy for messing with the PI, than he gets Ferguson and help him mess with the PI and STEAL something from him. I hope the writers don't give Walt an out, he has to pay for all these horrible things.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.



@ sign-in-1234 What a stupid thing to say but anyway

Walt is becoming more like a Dirty Harry type of anti- hero . You could say the same thing about Henry because he broke about a dozen laws this season alone. Not defending Walt or Henry breaking the law but I would never consider them evil or bad in anyway.


Now Henry isn't bad, but Walt is, he literally use the police to force to rob someone. And that was just that last bad thing that he did .

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.


I'm white. I love my white privilege I don't have to pay bills, or insurance on my cars and house. I get free groceries. I also pay no taxes on anything. I get a free car every year, home depot
Gives me stuff too. I have to show my white privilege card to the feds so I can get my free money. That way I have plenty of free time to oppress people of color.


That isn't what white privilege means.

I swear I try to stay out of polices and it comes finds me here .

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.



It is because of his repeated head traumas. Remember the beginning of the episode where he was getting an MRI and the doctor was talking to him about how many concessions and head injuries he had? This is why I think Walt is changing. These brain traumas come back worse as we get older and can affect our thinking and behaviors.


Wow I didn't even think of that. Traumatic Brain Injury can cause all of those things that you highlighted. Being aggressive, paranoia, ect.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.


I bet you're right. I thought of that while they were doing the MRI, but then forgot to watch for it . . . great catch!


...and all the interesting things are happening to other more interesting people.


Walt is disappearing up his own paranoia

Too late to die Young
