MovieChat Forums > Scandal (2012) Discussion > Spoiler TV POLL: Which is the best seaso...

Spoiler TV POLL: Which is the best season of Scandal?


Idk if it worked but I think I voted for seasons 2 and 3. The last half of S2 was just effin spectacular. S2 just really made me understand this whole Olitz thing and Fitz unbeatable pull towards Liv. S1 didn't do it justice and I could understand why someone who has just seen S1 would be like "ok, what's the big deal???".

S2 and S3 also brought us Ro and Jake who REALLY brought it all home for me when it comes to Livs sicknesses(the astronomical daddy issues mainly). Nobody really knew Liv S1 and it wasn't made clear that she had some serious problems. S3 let us know that she was so far from normal and showed us why...S2/S3 put Fitz problems on display as well and provided many "Ohhh. Ok. That's why." moments for him as well. Same with Mellie, Huck, Abby, Quinn ect in these seasons.

So yea, those 2 seasons helped me understand and breakdown the two main characters. What season do you guys think???


I agree I was crazy about Scandal during those seasons. I need to rewatch them.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ 


For me it's 2, 1, 3, 4.

I can't even with the abomination known as season 5.
