MovieChat Forums > Scandal (2012) Discussion > OT:Kerry on Trump campaign:Playing Olivi...

OT:Kerry on Trump campaign:Playing Olivia Pope,I know spin when I see it

Love her


“I think there’s a bigger problem, which is that right now we are in a political climate where we are being led by the media, no offense, to vote for the loudest candidate, and the meanest, the bulliest candidate in the playground, and that we are voting based on a cult of personality or a cult of celebrity rather than voting in our best interests,” she said in part. “I think if we really look at policy, voting for Trump is voting against our best interests as Americans, as workers, as people of color, as women.”

Yep. That. ^


And a vote for Hillary is a vote for a woman who helped her husband get away with raping and sexually assaulting women for decades. You're voting for a woman who label blacks as super predator, who supported her husband with the three strikes law that targeted black men and destroyed the black family.The Clinton supported and signed NAFTA which is the reasons many American jobs are being outsourced to overseas. Hillary is as scandalous and corrupt as Trump. She just doesn't sound as stupid as him and both are hated international. So there is no good choice between the two. Both are exactly the same and could care less about women and people of color.


and both are hated international. So there is no good choice between the two.

Erm, only Americans seem to be having a problem deciding between a racist misogynist sexual predator, and a woman who used the wrong email server. The rest of the world are wondering what you guys are smoking.

Both are exactly the same

No sweeties, they are most certainly not. One is a racist, ignorant, misogynist sex pest, who's due to go on trial for allegedly raping a thirteen year old girl, the other is an intelligent woman who has been blamed and shamed most of her public life for her husband's philandering ways. A woman who embodies the "twice as good" sentiment, and has a fantastic record of service.

And if I only could,
make a deal with god,
And get him to swap our places


Honestly, both Trumpistas and Clintonistas are sipping the Kool-Aid of the cult of personality and celebrity. One's a loudmouth, overt racist who will get us all killed because of the things he says; the other is lying, corrupt, closet racist who will also get us all killed to further her own financial interests (check Haiti). And the celebrities constantly pushing their candidate on the electorate doesn't help ordinary people learn how to think for themselves. I couldn't bring myself to vote for either Trump or Clinton so I did a write-in. This election campaign is truly a disgrace; and even more disgraceful are all parties involved, celebs included, who try to push the kool-aid on us. Shame on them all!


Honestly, both Trumpistas and Clintonistas are sipping the Kool-Aid of the cult of personality and celebrity.
There are no cult of personality in regards to Hillary, because chasisma was never a winning attribute for her. Kerry is a staunch liberal, so of course she's going to campain for Hills. Were you calling her a disgrace when she was a talking-head for Obama? People never apply this "no celebs in politics" rule consistently.


Kerry is a staunch liberal, so of course she's going to campain for Hills. Were you calling her a disgrace when she was a talking-head for Obama? People never apply this "no celebs in politics" rule consistently.

FYI...I never jumped on the Obama train, not in 2008 nor in 2012. I have never voted according to what any celebrity pushes because every political statement out of their mouth is suspect. Hollywood and celebrities are used to dumb down the masses so that we will not pay attention to all the things going on which would probably cause a revolution. Celebs and politicians are far removed from ordinary life because of their affluence. Just check out India - the politicians use Bollywood to calm the masses because if there was no Bollywood, there would be a revolution every 3 months because of the inequality there. I make my own decisions when it comes to elections by taking the time to do the research before I cast my vote...


I have never voted according to what any celebrity pushes because every political statement out of their mouth is suspect.
Hollywood and celebrities are used to dumb down the masses so that we will not pay attention to all the things going on which would probably cause a revolution.
That's not how it works. Sure she'd a celeb, but she's still female and black, so of course she's fight for those aspects of herself and other like that, and aginst a party who hates the concept of femisim and race. Kerry won a Vanguard Award for gay rights. Do you think she had a hidden agenda there? The show Scandal itself is a better example of dumbed down media used to distract the pucblic, far more that Kerry being a political talking head. The ones who speak out are the ones who want that revolution, not the other way around.


Both Trump and Clinton have done irreparable harm to the black community. Clinton does not get a pass from me. Unfortunately, most of black Hollywood has forgotten the harm done by both Clintons to the black community. These celebs want the same perks they're now used to with Obama in office. They're afraid of losing their own relevance.

Very few celebs in Hollywood are willing to give up their luxurious lifestyle, lucrative contracts or their social standing for real revolution that will benefit the masses. They are paid agents who speak according to script. Those who deviate usually have short careers. One of the biggest exceptions to this rule is Colin Kaepernick. His kneeling when the anthem is played to protest police brutality is one of the most honorable forms of protest I have ever seen. Yet, how much support has he gotten from Hollywood? How much support has he gotten from his fellow black NFL players? Some even mock him. They're afraid. He's been threatened, he's lost endorsements, he's been heckled, NFL TV ratings are plummeting yet he continues because its the right thing to do. How many celebs are willing to take such a risk to protest for change? Very few.

America is so preoccupied with music, movies, tv, sports and celeb antics that they aren't really paying attention to how they're being taken advantage of in virtually every area of life, financially, politically, emotionally, physically etc. This is by design. Entertainment is diversion designed to keep us all distracted. That's why politicians love celebs so much and form alliances with each other. Every government in the world does it, including the US government. If you're not paying attention, you cannot hold anyone accountable.


These celebs want the same perks they're now used to with Obama in office.
Do you notice the reason why the same celebs who were boosting Obama and Romney are doing the same for Hillary and Donald? Because they are more about party than person.

Very few celebs in Hollywood are willing to give up their luxurious lifestyle, lucrative contracts or their social standing for real revolution that will benefit the masses.
They don't have to. The likes of Ben Affleck, Katty Perry and Beyonce have never gone poor from speaking out, and this is combined with the fact that they all give tens of millions away to charities. The idea that they need to do so much more to the point of losing all luxuries has no basis in reality.

They're afraid of losing their own relevance.
That's completely unfounded given that these same people have been campaigning this whole time. Believe it or not, celebs have the same capacity to care for things just like the rest of us, only their platform isn't just a facebook feed.

Also, your point about Colin Kaepernick isn't consistent because he falls under the same umbrella of celebs that you lambast for speaking out. Heck, to go back on topic, look at Scandal. Ratings dropped after the abortion, but Kerry still defends that despite the backlash. Do you honestly think plot was them Kool-Aid drinking again? Heck no, it is something the Shonda and the writers truly believes in, thus they wrote abortion storylines before and will keep doing so in future shows. Every celeb or media loses support and makes people unconfortable the moment it becomes politcal. All your talk about the media keeping us docile ONLY works if you remove political celebs from the discussion. The ones who want us the keep us preoccupied are the ones who stay quiet, not the ones who speak up.


Also, your point about Colin Kaepernick isn't consistent because he falls under the same umbrella of celebs that you lambast for speaking out. Heck, to go back on topic, look at Scandal. Ratings dropped after the abortion, but Kerry still defends that despite the backlash. Do you honestly think plot was them Kool-Aid drinking again? Heck no, it is something the Shonda and the writers truly believes in, thus they wrote abortion storylines before and will keep doing so in future shows. Every celeb or media loses support and makes people uncomfortable the moment it becomes politcal. All your talk about the media keeping us docile ONLY works if you remove political celebs from the discussion. The ones who want us the keep us preoccupied are the ones who stay quiet, not the ones who speak up.

I am not lambasting Colin Kaepernick for speaking out. I'm lauding him for it. I was only showing the hypocrisy of most of black Hollywood who feel that they should teach us how to think. I am lambasting our own celebs who curry up to politicians and try to tell us how to vote, as if we can't think for ourselves. I'm angry at those celebs, KW included, who have conveniently turned a blind eye to the Clintons' harmful actions against the black community. The Clintons used us to get elected and tossed us aside; and they will do so again. Colin Kaepernick hasn't waded into that mess. He spoke the truth when he said that black America has no horse in this election race. And he speaks out regardless of the consequences.

As for abortion, that issue is universal, affecting women regardless of race/ethnicity. The big turnoff for Scandal fans was not the abortion itself. It was the way it was done that made the character Olivia Pope seem so evil. Shonda told the story in a mean-spirited way as a big "FU" to Olitz fans. What did she expect those fans to do? They made the show famous and Shonda spat in their faces. Half her audience is now gone, trust is lost, and advertising dollars are marching out the door. I bet she wishes she could still pull the same numbers she did in 2013 - 2014...


The big turnoff for Scandal fans was not the abortion itself. It was the way it was done that made the character Olivia Pope seem so evil. Shonda told the story in a mean-spirited way as a big "FU" to Olitz fans. What did she expect those fans to do? They made the show famous and Shonda spat in their faces. Half her audience is now gone, trust is lost, and advertising dollars are marching out the door. I bet she wishes she could still pull the same numbers she did in 2013
I'd absolutly knew you'd use shipper logic to explain this away. By painting Liv as evil for not keeping the baby or telling Fitz, you made a major women's issue be ALL about the man. And yes, it so did become about the abortion itself, given that so many shippers suddenly cared about right-wing opinions on abortion just to use an ammunition againgst the show. Literally every shipper group consdiers themselves the only fans that matter. Try no to be like that.

The Clintons used us to get elected and tossed us aside; and they will do so again.
Minorites are fully aware of the pandering, but this is so much more than that. It is a choice between being ignored or getting spat on (Beyonce is now being called a monkey and the n-word after at the CMAs due to Formation), libs would choose the former. Remember that at one point, the GOP told Latinos to simply NOT vote, not even offering any to return after these ads claimed that Lantinos were supposebly being tossed aside by the DEMs.

I was only showing the hypocrisy of most of black Hollywood
This whole argument is hypocritical, because people are giving Colin grief because they don't want celebs lecturing them about the opression of minorites.. Kerry, Colin and all these celebs are doing the same thing and have the right to speak out just like anyone of us (even if you happen to dissagree with one of the issues). You are saying that celebs an't be political, except sometimes thet can (in this case, one).

as if we can't think for ourselves.
That is lazy argument. Do you think that anyone who talks politics or make any statement are trying to dictate your opinions? Do you personally kick all yard signs on your way home because they are telling you how to vote? This is just as bad as right-wingers who hated Michelle Obama's fitness platform because she was apparently lecturing people how to live their lives and they used your exact same "can't think for ourselves" line in regards to their own health, and this despite America's real obesity epidemic.


You are entitled to your opinions, as much as I disagree. If you can't see that the public, especially minorities, are manipulated in how to think and how to vote by public figures (whether they be politicians or celebrities) then you are just like the rest of the flock of sheep being led astray. We've been voting for 52 years but what have we gotten from it? Has either side, whether GOP or DEM helped us or served our interests? At least the GOP is honest about their racism and disdain for us while the DEMs are hypocritical, smiling to our faces...we might as well not vote since we get nothing. All the celebs encouraging us to vote DEM/GOp, only they benefit personally. We don't so it's time to stop listening to them.

Just because I disagree with the way Liv's abortion was handled that makes me a shipper or a right-winger? Just because I ask black voters to question the motives of all the "messages" from public figures and do their own research that makes my thinking lazy? I don't need to tell you to stop sipping the Kool-Aid. You've already swallowed an entire jug. Good luck to you.


Both Trump and Clinton have done irreparable harm to the black community.

What irreparable harm has Hillary done to the "black community"? Do you mean her calling black drug dealers super predators for selling drug on the streets to kids?? If so, they were predators! But if that's your only gripe, she apologize for saying predator.

Not sure if this is your stance, but every time a black person mention "Hillary isn't for black folks", they bring up that comment. What ELSE is there? And the Clinton's didn't make not one black person commit a crime, so if they went to jail for the 3 strikes... so be it! People have to learn how to take responsibility for their actions. Neither the Clinton's or Obama are meant to be Black people's Savior.

The question someone need to have is: Can they do the job? The election is between TWO people and if your'e going to vote you need to pick one. If not, there's no need to waste your time even going to the polls. There is no other shot for another candidate to win.


Hi Lori,

FYI: Michelle Alexander: I Am 'Endorsing The Political Revolution' (Extended Interview) | All In | MSNBC
