MovieChat Forums > The Face of Love (2013) Discussion > good idea that doesn't work

good idea that doesn't work

Saw this at AFI film festival in LA

Annette Bening and director were there to introduce film

The basis of the script is an interesting idea, but somehow the movie doesn't quite work

Bening & Ed Harris are both very good. Robin Williams is so-so. I suppose it depends on the roles. He can be very good when he steps away from comedy -- where he's an indisputable genius -- into serious roles, but not always as successful outside comedy. Amy Brenneman does what she always does.

I wanted to like this movie, but cannot recommend it, even to hard-core fans of these actors.


If you think Robin Williams can't act in serious roles, you must never have seen 'Good Will Hunting'.


Yeah, Robin Williams' is amazing in Good Will Hunting. Also fantastic in One Hour Photo. And Insomnia. And What Dreams May Come.


And Awakenings...

I see Stupid People...


....and The World According to Garp and Moscow on the him.


Wonderful on the small screen too... Homicide: Life on the Street, 1994, as the father of a slain child.


And Dead Poet's Society.

 Some movies are released; others sneak out. 


I think Anette Bening and Ed Harris were fantastic in this and their performances were reason enough to watch. Robin Williams can be a fantastic actor depending on the material. Go check out The World According to Garp for one of his early roles that worked really well. He played normal and grounded all through the surrounding bizarre life events...Or "Good Morning, Viet Nam"..or any of the others mentioned.
He just didn't have much to play with here. It was a throw away minor role and he's not getting the better roles of his younger days..

As far as it being a good idea...I don't know. I was increasingly bothered by the notion that someone could not only look exactly as a beloved...but nearly act entirely like them too...and be just as devoted. Like a clone.
It's unlikely but opens a back door to some strange thinking. If possible what would one do?
The idea of someone being replaceable, like a pet (pets aren't even replaceable)was incredibly bothersome to me.
Of course it ends a certain way due to this. But many people that viewed it would've been onboard...and it's an uncomfortable way to think.

I've upped my standards............Up yours


It was flawed. The separation seemed rather abrupt - one minute they're in bed together, the next it's a long time later and they've never spoken again (apparently) and yet the ending still happens.
The setting seemed a bit too realistic for the obsession angle to work (Vertigo" was a bit more stylised, which made its rather dubious premise work better). I just kept wondering when someone would see them together or even just him and wonder why he looked so much like her husband. Or why she wouldn't just mention the coincidence earlier and make light of it (people always seem to behave in self-destructive ways in these movies).


It worked well for me.

Perhaps you need to be a certain age, or lost someone terribly special, to understand how finding someone new, who makes you feel alive again, how important that is to hang onto at any cost.

Bringing back a part of your life you thought you'd lost forever doesn't happen to many people, the lesser still as you get older and the world of the young and thoughtless throws you on the scrapheap.

I felt the film investigated the theme well, and keeps the viewer on tenterhooks throughout the impending "revelation" regarding Tom. In Nikki's mind a point was reached where the inevitable just didn't have to happen if she was careful enough, and after that point we as viewers just don't know where we are being taken next.

Remember how Nikki finally met Tom, and while trying to seem non-crazy and be polite, painted herself into a corner with not disclosing the "big secret"; the immediate question that would have leapt to Tom's mind would be "is this for real ?" Nikki tried but failed a number of times before she reached the aforementioned point, the further she fell into her construct the harder it was to get out, with greater and greater chance of loss at stake.

The end of the Mexico weekend made perfect sense to me; I think anyone with decency and honour would follow a similar path, although it also crossed my mind to "take a risk" and see how it went - as it was it was bittersweet enough for Tom, but how much more so for the viewer if he had simply kept the photo knowledge to himself.

The premise of 'what if" lingers throughout the entire film, and it also serves as a modern day study of what a fractured and grieving mind can make someone do when confronted with a second chance in life.


Your post has a lot of feel and emotion behind it so I am responding on behalf of that. We might be a close age so perhaps that's why I relate.

"Bringing back a part of your life you thought you'd lost forever doesn't happen to many people, the lesser still as you get older and the world of the young and thoughtless throws you on the scrapheap. "

You are being unreasonably hard on yourself and unreasonably unfair to the younger generations. No one is throwing anyone into any scrap heap or thoughtless and young people have empathy and a social concience that is stronger than anything that was instilled in the past. THey have a great future ahead of them and I look forward to how they are going to solve some of the problems that have plagued society over the past 50 or 60 years. Inequality and consumerism and proverty. Just because they don't find us physically attractive has no bearing on anything (did you really find the aging 60 year old next door who was constantly staring and lusting after you physically attractive when you were in your early 20s or did you find them kind of creepy? Well, time has places you in that role now.)

You do not lose any part of your life. Life goes on for you until you are dead. You reminisce and yearn for when you were younger and you wonder what would happen if you only knew back them what you know now -- but there are two types of aging people in the world.. the ones that keep looking back and the ones that look at the present. The ones that say if I knew it back then I would have done it differently and the ones that say, if I knew it back then, odds are I would have made the exact same choices because thats the person I am and have always been.

My best wishes to you.

The film was very enjoyable with excellent acting and a great refreshing relief from the weak plots and unnatural over acting that one sees in a lot of modern hollywood popular films.

"Oh, Mama, can this really be the end, to be stuck inside of mobile
with the memphis blues again"


He looked like him on the outside but his odor, thought process, sexuality, memory, and a lot more were different. It would have caught up to her at some point. I did not believe she loved him at all. He was the closest she could get to what she needed. The ending to me said they both got something back. He helped her move on and before the reveal he thought she gave him love.


This is different... I've never been bothered by a film. It was mostly dull and since he died at the end she's still just an old lonely doll


Outstanding actors going to waste on an idiot plot like this should be illegal.


Nope. Matter for the market not the law. beeningia too cute to serve time


I agree, in serious roles, Williams is not fresh nor believable. Harris looks so old, my goodness! The story is compelling, yet the film is far from good.


This movie feels like it should have been made around 1942 with Joan Crawford and Charles Boyer. It's very much in the vein of Now, Voyager or any number of other sudsy 40s "women's films" - though nowhere near as good as most of the classics of the genre. Maybe if it had been made in black-and-white and stylish 40s costumes it would have been easier to suspend disbelief and buy into the preposterous plot.


Funny. If this script were directed by Douglas Sirk it might have been a masterpiece :) How about Gene Tierney & Dana Andrews as the leads?


He is old, so is Annette but she's so cute


Robin Williams is so-so.

In defense of Robin Williams, it was a very small role and there wasn't much he could have done with it.


In defense of Robin Williams, it was a very small role and there wasn't much he could have done with it.

I agree with you 110%. I wish that he had nixed the opportunity to participate in this poorly executed film. I like all of the 3 principals, but this film was not the movie to showcase their impressive talent. Hats off, especially to Benning who did the best she could with the material she was given.

 Some movies are released; others sneak out. 


I was relieved to see that Robin Williams was restrained in this movie. I wished that he had played his roles straight more often.


Lol srs. I'm not a die-hard Robin Williams fan or anything...he's annoyed me for sure in some roles (Jack, One Hour Photo, others) but then there is something likable about him. And I liked him in Awakenings and Mrs Doubtfire and others. I'm kinda 50/50 on him, though I respect him as a person/entertainer.

Anyway, regardless of any of that, I don't understand why everyone is being so harsh on him in this movie. he was in it for like 4 minutes! And honestly I looked forward to those few moments he was in it because he added something slightly weird/interesting to the plot...he was just more engaging than the rest of the movie. But still he had very little to work with here, he was barely in it...why all the hate


This is a really good movie with a flaw or 2. Robin Williams wasn't an indisputable genius on comedy. In fact there isn't much I've really liked that he's done comedically. He was too frantic as a comedian and was all over the place. I almost felt embarrassed for him in interviews but I did like most of his dramatic roles.

I see Stupid People...


I agree with you. I couldn't stand to see his stand-up or see him on a talk show. It was painful to see him . I liked him in Jumanji and Mrs. Doubtfire (of all things) comedically, but I couldn't stand Good Morning Vietnam.

I liked the movie, but was really irritated that she just didn't tell him! Of course then it wouldn't have played out like it did.


I really wanted to like this movie. I like all the stars, and indeed I liked their performances here.
When I saw the premise being "a man who looks just like her late husband" it did not occur to me that he'd look EXACTLY like her husband and indeed be played by the same actor. I could have swallowed the concept of the two men looking very similar, but this just strained credibility too much for me. To those who enjoyed it, power to you.
I was thinking so ill of the plot that when Annette and Ed2 went to Mexico I was fully expecting him to keel over of his heart attack on the beach and I was keeping a pillow handy so I wouldn't laugh too loudly. So I do give the writers credit for sparing us that at least.

I have seen enough to know I have seen too much. -- ALOTO


I just watched it on netflix. I enjoyed the film a lot. I thought the acting was excellent from all actors including Williams and the daughter. But I agree with you -- they could/should have used different actors to play the late husband role. It's not that hard to find a lesser know actor who looks similar to Harris and then let Harris play the lead. Using the exact same actor was just too much of a streatch for the viewer to accept.

Still, as the film progressed you kind of get engulfed in the actors and you forget that fact. But thats the only flaw I saw. I really tjought it was a great film and 100x better than what passed for great American dramas these days.

"Oh, Mama, can this really be the end, to be stuck inside of mobile
with the memphis blues again"


The acting was fine, but the central situation with exact doubles was so laughable, the film never recovered. Dreadful waste of talented actors, I'm not surprised it was such a box office failure. There have been much much better films about doubles before.


Movie is just way too hard to like. Robin Williams looks like a grinning fool
