Where do I begin...

Sappy film-making and dialogue, inconsistent direction and Hallmark movie music made for a VERY disappointing viewing experience. Morgan Freeman must have owed Rob Reiner a fave and Rob must have a drug problem or is in heavy debt to the banks. I'll give Virginia Madsen a pass because she's had a rough career at times and especially as of late. Screenwriter has sold more scripts than I but has totaled 4 over a nearly 40 year career - it showed. I would say something about the editor but really can't because Reiner may not have given her enough coverage to make something else of this film. 3 out of 10 stars and I'm being kind. I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT THIS WAS RATED A 7 ON IMDB.


Hey Cry,

We all have our own opinions, and that is just fine. I gave it an 8, but I would have made it 8 1/2 if I could. Looking at the history of your posts, it would seem you dislike almost everything about which you write in your posts.

This "sappy" film, as you suggest it is, was a breath of fresh air for me. Off hand, I do not remember any gratuitous bad language, sex scenes, or violence. Imagine that! No garbage but it still managed to hold my attention and make me care about the characters in the story. I have always liked to be told a good story, and this was one.

Best wishes,
Dave Wile


Our own life experiences and preferences mold our opinions of films. For me, a film must genuinely move me on some level, and admittedly, as I get older that bar has been raised higher and higher. I judge a film based upon many elements, but won't hold "bad language, sex scenes, or violence" against a film if these things are done in a way that adds to the story or characterizations. In my mind, reducing all of these elements to "garbage" is close-minded and comes from a moralizing perspective with regard to film and art, and is basically censorship. But that's my mind and we all have our own and lives to lead. For me, the story wasn't a good one because it wasn't genuine to my mind, nor were the characters realistic. This combination culminated in the worst thing that one can say about a film - it was boring.


So so contrived. I'm watching it now and wincing at some of the lines, and how they are delivered. These are cut out characters speaking in stilted tones.


I will give you that it definitely is reminiscent of Hallmark Movies, but I enjoyed it. I am a hopeless romantic and love happy endings ... life is so crazy in the World so it is nice to see things work out in the end. Plus Morgan rocks as an Actor in anything that I have watched.


Agreed. Given the cast it's quite disappointing - little more than a TV movie.
