MovieChat Forums > Alien: Romulus (2024) Discussion > I so hope this delivers like Prey (2022)...

I so hope this delivers like Prey (2022) did.

Prey was brilliant. The best of the Predator franchise.

I really enjoy several Alien movies. The first two and Prometheus in particular but I'd love it if Alvarez knocked it out of the park here and one-upped the previous entries. Given his previous work I reckon this has a fair shot at being the most intense of the franchise.

It would be fantastic to have these two Sci-Fi franchises at the top of their game in the 2020s... all going well I'd be game for a remake of Alien vs Predator.


'Prey was brilliant. The best of the Predator franchise.'

Ditto. If this gets anywhere near that I'll be happy.


It better be a lot better than Prey. That movie was very disappointing.

LOL at it being "the best of the Predator franchise."


I hope Hollywood decides to start making good, original sci-fi movies again and stops digging up the graves of classics.


I agree with this.


Predator is the best of the Predator franchise.


"Prey was brilliant. The best of the Predator franchise."

I think its great you like it that much but i most definitely did not get that from PREY.

Now the 1987 original, that was brilliant 💯, and still holds up as a great SCIFI-HORROR after all these decades. I'm hoping ROMULUS will turn the ALIEN franchise around but im not going to kid myself anymore. Too many times we've been bamboozled.


Never saw prey. The idea of a 110 pound petite girl with a bow and arrow doing what a heavily armed army unit couldn't just seemed silly and implausible.


She doesn't out-muscle or out-fight it, she out-thinks it. She learns from every encounter.
