Will it be woke?

No white people in the trailer



Let’s just hope they don’t go full woke and cast a god damned woman in the lead. Can you imagine an Alien movie being good with a female hero?? Insanity!!


Well let's see, 1 of 3 of the writers is an American white, so that means it's 33% probability that it will be Woke, yes.


Not these days. It’s been shown that studios have a diversity story checklist writers must follow or they don’t get hired.


Having a diverse cast of female and/or PoC characters isn’t automatically woke. It just dramatically lowers potential for viewers.

Now if they spend a majority of time griping about how hard it is being a PoC or female because they deal with racism and/or sexism, or they did have a white male character that was shown to be less competent than all the others, then it would be woke, which dramatically lowers potential for viewers even more.
