MovieChat Forums > Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Discussion > This Movie Deserve To Be MUCH Higher On ...

This Movie Deserve To Be MUCH Higher On The IMDB Top 250!!!

If this isn't a top 40 film then no film deserves to be.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is everything an adventure movie should be, and more. It’s probably the best film in the Marvel solo universe. What I liked is that there's a serious subtext to the story and it leaps out of the first act of the film. The movie gets everything right.

The plot and shades of gray give much to chew on and think about. This installment perfectly picks up where we left Steve after Avengers. Yet, you need not even have seen that film to enjoy this one even though everybody on the planet did so. Another huge strength is the casting. Evans again finds his pathos and his chops in this film. Robert Redford certainly has the acting chops to hang with anyone and he’s perfect because this is no one dimensional character even though it easily could have been. This is also Sam Jackson’s best turn as Nick Fury by far. Sebastian Stan is pure perfection. From Scarlett (she's every bit the wise yet sexy female mainstay and a match for any male on screen) through the smaller supporting characters, all the women in this film simply shine with strength and depth. Mackie as Sam Wilson certainly adds to the casting perfection. Every interaction and relationship works well and is certainly one of the many highlights of this remarkable film.

The action is the best of the decade and the plot is very smart. Again, this movie gets everything that matters right.



I don't think she means a physical match. You thought she was a weak character? That her performance didn't match up to the rest of the cast?



And you don't think Black Widow did that? Cap would have had a tough time without her.



Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley.


Top 40 film are you insane. Sorry I respect your opinion and I really enjoyed the film but top 40, that's chuffing crazy talk man


I agree with you. It's almost like the IMDB top 250 is not the best place to judge what is a good film and what isn't.


This movie does't deserve its 8+ rating. I mean, it's not a bad movie but the acting is quite bad at times, the plot is not original, the action is good but not original once again, the music is weak ... it's just not worth such a good rating, and I'm sure the rating will go below 8 after the Blu-ray is released. It deserves something around 7 like the first CA movie.


Winter Soldier is way better than these similar films...

Batman Begins
The Dark Knight Rises
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Leon: The Professional
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Inglourious Basterds
Pan's Labyrinth
The Bridge on the River Kwai
Sin City

and they have an 8+ rating.


If you're talking about Oldboy's original version then I just lost the little faith I had in mankind...


Winter Soldier WAY better the Leon or Indiana Jones or Pan's Labryinth or The Bridge on the River Kwai ???
That's crazy talk!

I think it's on equal terms with The dark Knight Rises or Inglourious Basterds and better than Batman Begins.



Make it Ghetto Make it Gangsta -SOA


I dunno. I think it's fine where it is. It probably does deserve to be at 100 or so though. It was a really good movie.

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Perhaps it was because I was very dismissive of the first movie that I didn't really care about Bucky being the Winter Soldier. I'm sure this is a MAINSTAY of the Captain America lore, but as a movie I don't find it very compelling.

Also the Falconer was a very weak component and his exchanges with Chris Stevens were awful.


I think you were watching old SNL and not this film.


People put too much emphasis on the imdb top 250. It's not an official ranking. Anyone can vote. They never use it to promote their movies.



And nolan fans have learned how to game the system.


I think the voting wars are absolutely stupid. Theres no fn way 1.2 million people have voted for TDK and there certainly is NO WAY 1.2 million have voted for The Shawshank Redemption. I'm pretty sure Nolanites are voting Shawshank down because I find it a bit hard to believe many people are making legit votes on a movie thats 20 years old.


Nolanites are worse than zombies. They are mindless and REAL.


This should be in the top 50 for sure.


Deals are in the house.


lol how old are you?
