MovieChat Forums > The Loft (2015) Discussion > Almost as bad as The Room

Almost as bad as The Room

The dialogue, the acting, everything is just godawful besides the sets and lighting. The music is way over the top. The fact that these people are the absolute bestest BFFs in the world, yet none were chosen to be groomsmen at the party. So many plot holes, so little time. If you want a movie to MST3K, then this is the one for you.


How can you compare this movie to The Room? You need mental help.


Dialogue written by someone obviously not a native English speaker?
Massive plot holes?
Characters who should love each other, yet just want to use the main guy for their own needs?
Like I said, almost as bad as the Room. Just a better production quality and lighting.
But *beep* me for making a comparison.


Yeah *beep* you is right you need mental help. There was nothing wrong with the dialogue here. What plot holes? Characters who should love each other? Wtf are you even talking about? No not as bad as the Room. You need serious help.


Oh no! Did I encounter someone on the internet who has a different opinion than the one I hold? What am I going to do?
You say I need help, but all I was doing was making a comparison.
I found The Room to be laughable and hard to watch because it was the perfect storm of terrible everything. I also found this movie hard to watch because I found the dialogue, plot and music to be awful as well.
So yea, I might need 'help', but you can go bleep your bleep all over a bleep bleep and bleep that bleep because your bleep doesn't bother me one bleep bit, you bleep sucking bleep bleep bleep. Bleep.


You need serious mental help. You are unstable and insane.


Dude, you're arguing with a stranger over a movie. Take your own advice.


Contact your local mental health center and request an appointment with a case manager.


It seems to me like you are the expert Mark!!


How could they post something like this? They're tearing me apaaaaaaaart!





I enjoyed this movie for what it was but it's no The Room. Yeah, the plot hole was ridiculous and the dialogues were bad - but it was re-written by the Cape Fear guy so it has nothing to do with the director being a non-native ENG speaker.
