MovieChat Forums > The Loft (2015) Discussion > Am I remembering correctly (spoilers)

Am I remembering correctly (spoilers)

First of all, Spoiler Warning

OK, so I watched the movie and I couldn't possibly be remembering the beginning correctly by the time I got to the end. At the beginning, Luke found the girl's body, and called the other guys. The first ones to arrive on the scene were Vincent and Chris, and (IF I AM REMEMBERING CORRECTLY) each of them claimed to not know who the dead woman was. But, it was revealed at the end that Vincent and Luke BOTH knew her and each was aware that the other knew her personally as well. So, why would Vincent claim not to know her when Luke (and Marty) knew that he did? And why did Luke claim not to know her as well? Each knew the other would say "Yes you do know her, we saw her naked ass when she went skinny dipping with Vincent in San Diego, I'm pretty sure Vincent has been banging her for weeks, then she was at that party the other night that ALL of us attended, and Luke stopped her from ratting out Vincent to our wives, because Luke obviously knows her, too." THEY ALL KNEW HER and all were aware that the others knew her, too. So why lie to one another and claim not to know who she was?

"Enough of that technical talk, Foo!"


OK, so I watched the movie and I couldn't possibly be remembering the beginning correctly by the time I got to the end. At the beginning, Luke found the girl's body, and called the other guys. The first ones to arrive on the scene were Vincent and Chris, and (IF I AM REMEMBERING CORRECTLY) each of them claimed to not know who the dead woman was. But, it was revealed at the end that Vincent and Luke BOTH knew her and each was aware that the other knew her personally as well. So, why would Vincent claim not to know her when Luke (and Marty) knew that he did? And why did Luke claim not to know her as well? Each knew the other would say "Yes you do know her, we saw her naked ass when she went skinny dipping with Vincent in San Diego, I'm pretty sure Vincent has been banging her for weeks, then she was at that party the other night that ALL of us attended, and Luke stopped her from ratting out Vincent to our wives, because Luke obviously knows her, too." THEY ALL KNEW HER and all were aware that the others knew her, too. So why lie to one another and claim not to know who she was?

Vincent thought that Luke never turned her over to look at her face. I don't think Marty took a good look at her, either, and he didn't remember her anyway, because he was so drunk when he met her.

As for when Luke bumped into her at the party the night before, I think Vincent must have taken that to be a real accident; don't think he heard what Luke said to her that night.


Tell your god to ready for blood.
