From bad to worse

So right off the bat, you have 5 guys who are unfaithful, lying, cokeheads/blackmailers/violent thugs, etc. Right away, I am rooting for the wives, even though I suppose we're to think of Marsden as the hero?
And throughout, none of the guys gets one admits anything to their wives or gives up their secretive lifestyle.
Then at the end, Phillip is the only one under arrest? LOL... I guess the writers never heard of conspiracy? You can't have 3 men plan out a crime like this and only one is arrested. It wouldn't work that way. I know the writer wanted a happy ending for Marsden and his hooker, but come on!


This movie was horrible. It sad because it had a lot of good actors in it. I'm surprised it didn't get razzie nominee.


I think that's kind of the point though, you're not suppose to like any of them. It's a mystery/thriller movie, so they made all of them look bad so you don't really know who it is.

They don't explain the end that well, but I'm assuming they were all arrested, Chris & Marty got off easy, and since Phillip was the one who actually killed her he still needs to be on trial.

