MovieChat Forums > The Loft (2015) Discussion > Uh.. they'd be in jail 6 months later

Uh.. they'd be in jail 6 months later

The only one who maybe wouldn't be is Vincent. All of them (except Vincent) lied to the police and tampered with evidence and interfered with a police investigation. They'd all certainly be in jail 6 months later (considering the circumstances they could even be found guilty of accessory to murder). What a terrible ending, the writer is a moron.


May be those two cut a deal like someone mentioned in another thread getting immunity for plea bargain.


It would be conspiracy to commit murder...or at the very least...conspiracy to cover up and frame Vincent into what looked like a suicide. Both are major felonies that you don't get away from in 6 months, even if you cut a deal.


I literally just posted about this.

I was thinking the same thing.

Lazy ending.
