MovieChat Forums > The Loft (2015) Discussion > Unlikable characters and confusing

Unlikable characters and confusing

In order for a plot like this to work, you have to at least care about the different characters dealing with the situation at hand, but all these men were such lowlife pigs that I didn't care who killed the girl and what would happen to them.

I was really looking forward to watching this film for a few months and finally rented it off Redbox tonight, and what a letdown it was for me....I watched for most of the film, but once all the confusing twists began to emerge, I just shut it off because by that time I was so bored by it, that I didn't even care to continue.

It felt like the writers were throwing twisty twists in there just for the sake of having twisty twists. That gimmick is becoming so tired by now....when the audience is expecting a cancels out that twist!

At least it was a free rental code I wasted. Oh well. I'm glad others liked it...I rated this garbage a 1.


I agree...not only were all the men unlikeable. .so were all the women. So many clichés. I did persevere to the end because despite myself I had to find out what happened. Could have been a good film but poor characterisation let it down


Did you have to care about these men though?
We were supposed to cast doubt and suspect EVERY single one of them. You can't do that if you have one of the men who's really nice and sweet. They all had to be douchebags, so you can guess who did it.

We should've cared more for the victim



....I watched for most of the film, but once all the confusing twists began to emerge, I just shut it off because by that time I was so bored by it, that I didn't even care to continue.

Probably you were just really confused because you hadn't been paying good enough attention to understand where it was headed. It's got a couple of pretty cool twists at the end - but they don't pay off unless you've really been watching closely.


For a thriller to work, there has to be stakes and the audience has to care about the stakes that the characters stand to lose; in other words (even if the characters are morally-ambiguous), the audience has to root for them on some level. This movie pretty much isolated the female audience and relied on the remaining audience to root for rich jerks cheating on their wives and banging prostitutes in a cheesy apartment. Granted, there are people who liked "The Loft," but, again, it isolated too much of its audience to really be successful.


I've never seen a movie where literally none of the characters were likeable. No one turns out to be good in the end. Hitchcock would disapprove
