MovieChat Forums > The Loft (2015) Discussion > Endless plot twists and no likeable char...

Endless plot twists and no likeable charaters at all

...including the women.

All completely superificial and materialistic, sex-obsessed, greedy, all the guys had the DB beard, except for the perv that filmed it all, like nothing at all for me to invest my attention in or care about....and wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too many plot twists.

after two you stop caring and the twists lose their effect.


Marsden is always likeable in everything.


So true. so talented.


Mars den, get off the board. Talking about yourself in your own film doesn't count




They're charming, handsome business types, or in the case of Luke and Marty, the quiet nerdy type who helps his diabetic wife and the funny fat guy, respectively. They're not really likable beyond that, though they all have interesting quirks or traits or backstories. Got the douche who doesn't put bros before hoes, the angry psycho one, as said before the nerdier one and the fat funny dude, and then the everyman Chris.

It's a very human story. At no point did I feel like anything was too heavy-handed. People would act exactly like they were portrayed.

I dunno, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was like a roller coaster ride; the first time through was amazing and exciting. Now looking back at individual parts it's not as enthralling but whatever. Sometimes all a movie needs to be is an experience.


There is nothing that make me more annoyed than people looking for likeable characters. That has nothing whatsoever to do with the quality of a film.


Actually it has everything to do with how much you enjoy the film. If you don't have anyone to root for and everyone is the bad guy, you walk away wondering what you just spent two hours of your life on. Human nature is we always want someone to root for and we want to feel like good wins out in the end. People don't pay money to see films just because they are "good quality." We see them to make us feel good. It's called entertainment.

I agree with the OP. The twists started getting to be too much to keep track of and there was just no one to like in the film. It was good but a few small changes would have made it much better.


I did have a lot of fun, because I liked Chris. I disliked him for cheating at first. I kept waiting for a reason the wife was distant….like a lost child? an illness? But no. He should have left before, but he did cheat only once and I'm going to forgive him for falling in love with the one girl he cheated on his wife with, and that he had more morals than the others combined.

Put it this way: if this was a romcom or drama where there were other likable characters, I'd not have overlooked Chris' faults.

But then again, Vincent's wife wasn't really that bad either. We never see her do anything bad or off-putting. I also have a weakness for revenge stories. And after the characters in Gone Girl, Chris seems as harmless as a kitten, really. And I do love Marsden.



Exactly. This thing was so bad it wouldn't even qualify as a bad soap opera. It was worse than that.

Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you do. (The Last Kiss)
